Heating and Time

I am attempting to find a decent replacement for my electric underfloor heating controllers. I’m in the UK. I tried a Heat-It jobbie from Norway but that fails to notify when it actually switches on the floor - either on the display or via Z-Wave. My current effort is a MCO Home device (MH7H). Now this one seems to be unknown to Openzwave and I have written an initial .xml config for it.

One really obvious thing is that this device displays the “current” date and time. Should Z-Wave devices be able to do this automatically? My current controllers are a pain because I have to change the clock at least twice a year and I have 12 of them.

(BTW if anyone knows of a decent Z-Wave device for controlling 16A electric U/F heating, with a clear display and obvious controls - I’d love to know it)

I also ordered the MCO HOME MH7H -WH2(water boiler version)

According to the specs yes you should be able to set up the time through ZWAVE because it supports the COMMAND_CLASS_TIME, COMMAND_CLASS_TIME_PARAMETERS.

I did not receive it yet, so I cannot tell more about it.

Can you share your .XML file ?

I run a Python pip installed HA on Ubuntu Bionic. My openzwave stuff is in:


This is in


<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<Product xmlns=‘http://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/’>
   <!-- MCOHome Water/Electrical Heating Thermostat MH7H-WH/MH7H-EH
        http://www.mcohome.com/upload/file/20180525/20180525151144.pdf -->
   <!-- Configuration -->
   <CommandClass id=“112”>
     <Value type=“byte” genre=“config” index=“1” label=“Upload temperature format automatically” size=“1” value=“2”>
         0x00 Celsius
         0x01 Fahrenheit
         0x02 Follow the main display
     <Value type=“byte” genre=“config” index=“2” label=“Upload temperature and humidity automatically” size=“1” value=“3”>
         0x00 OFF
         0x01 Upload the difference value only
         0x02 Timing upload mode only
         0x03 Upload the difference + timing upload mode
     <Value type=“short” genre=“config” index=“3” label=“Upload temperature difference” size=“1” min=“3” max=“1000” value=“5”>
         Base on 0.1°C unit, 0x0005 by default, 5*0.1°C=0.5°C, 0x0003~0x03E8 (3-1000)
     <Value type=“short” genre=“config” index=“4” label=“Upload time interval regularly” size=“1” min=“10” max=“65535” value=“30”>
         Base on 1s unit, it suggest to be set above 30s 0x000A~0xFFFF
     <Value type=“byte” genre=“config” index=“5” label=“Upload humidity difference” size=“1” min=“2” max=“255” value=“3”>
         When the detection humidity value differ with the last percentage value, uploading activated 0x02~0xFF
     <Value type=“byte” genre=“config” index=“255” label=“Factory setting” size=“1”  write_only=“true”>
         0x55 Restore the factory setting (write only) 0x55 = 85 (decimal)
         Parameters setting back to default value, association groups deleted
   <!-- Association Groups -->
   <CommandClass id=“133”>
       <Associations num_groups=“3”>
           <Group index=“1” max_associations=“1” label=“Lifeline”/>
           <Group index=“2” max_associations=“5” label=“Basic_Set”/>
           <Group index=“3” max_associations=“5” label=“Basic_Set”/>

You should reference the above in:

Find the mcohome section and add another config file for the product type and id, which I can’t remember at the moment. Once devices are configured, they stay configured - see the .storage folder within your config folder.

It looks like updates overwrite the manufacturer spec file so you’ll need to keep on top of that.