Heating Control with thermostat TS0601

I bought thermostat which was recognized as TS0601 from _TZE200_ye5jkfsb devize in my HA with ZHA as ZIGBEE coordinator.
As newbee in this world I am a liitle bit stuck how to use/integrate it to control my heating gas boiler.
I played a little with attributes obtained from the thermostat device and recognized several not pleasant facts:

  1. measured tempreture is sent only with whole degree (Celsius) othervice displaed temperature on the device has half degree step
  2. target temperature has also only 1 degree step - ok - I can leave with this
  3. the internal switch (for heating boiler) turns on in case the target temperature is 1 degreee higher the local temperature and it turns off when target temperature is 1 degree lower then local temperature - so - this means when target temperature is set to 21 degree, then heating will be off untill local temperature goes lower then 20 degree - only in that case th heating starts to work - and then it will turn off after local tempr. reach 22 degree. This is absolutely unaccepted behaviour.
    I am looking for some advices how to solve this - I can imagine I can use local temperature from small room battery temperature sensor with sensitivity one tenth degree - and manipulate the target temperature to avoid problem with 2 degree heating window, but I hope there are some more elegant solutions - if somebody point me to similar solved example, I will be very gratefull for that.
    Thank you
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