Heating status


I am considering recording the status of my heating and forward/reverse with an esp8266.
I installed a contactor for the well pump, which has a potential-free contact. The temperature of the flow and return should be measured directly on the pipe with a DS18B20.
What is the best way to integrate the status of the contactor? From 5v to the no contact and then to an input?

Not if they are 3.3V logic GPIOs.

You have two options:

  1. 3.3V to the C contact, NO contact to a GPIO with internal pull-down resistor enabled
  2. GND to the C contact, NC contact to a GPIO with internal pull-up resistor enabled

For option 2. you can also use the NO contact if you invert the logic in software (high = off, low = running).

Option 2 is generally safer. If you get a short to ground in the circuit for option 1 the 3.3V current is not limited. Where as in option 2 it is limited by the pull-up resistor.

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Thanks then I will try the Option 2

Don’t understood this.
I need the NO contact and get the signal when the heating run. Or I’m wrong?

Try it and see.

sorry for this stupid question, how do I declare the potential-free contact as a switch or sensor?

Are you using ESPHome?

yes, this is my configuration for the sensors:

  - pin: GPIO16
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0x0001212f48ad6228
    name: "Heizung Vorlauf Temperatur"
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0xbb01212f28e45628
    name: "Heizung Rücklauf Temperatur"

Then a GPIO binary sensor is what you want for the contact.

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Now I must disturb 1 time again.
I’m an electrician and there it’s common to switches the phase.
Therefore whats in my case the right option for, I’m currently solder the platine, but don’t know what option is now the usual in the electronic sector.

I’m sorry I don’t undrestand the question.

Sorry for my bad english.
Whats the most recommend way from GND → NC → GPIO or 3,3 → NO → GPIO

As I said already:

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What pin a recommend for the internal pullup resistor on the 8266 or use an external pullup

Is it right only D3 and D4 have the pullup.
What are meaning faily to start if pulled low.