Today I made something interesting and wanted to share. This kind of simulates the “Weather adaptation” feature in Tado (although I’m not sure about their algorithm).
I want to reduce the target temperature in my thermostat if there is sun shining.
My apartment has big windows and if there is even a bit of sun, it heats up.
I’m using the Automation Blueprint called “Advanced Heating Control”. The new 5.1 version has the Eco mode flag. If you provide a boolean value, it forces the home to be at eco temperature.
Then to achieve what I want, I simply created a template binary_sensor. Basically it reduces heating
- if sun is shining now
- or checks in the morning if there will be enough sunshine today (currently set 3 hours of sun)
{% set is_sunny = is_state('weather.accuweather', 'sunny') %}
{% set time = states('sensor.time') %}
{% set is_sun_expected = '08:00' < time < '10:00' and states('sensor.accuweather_hours_of_sun_day_0') | float > 3 %}
{{ is_sunny or is_sun_expected }}