Heatit Z-TRM2fx - Anybody used this in general and/or with Z-stick?

So I have two new electric UFH matts to install and need two stats to control them. Nest seems out of the question because you can’t connect a floor probe to it (correct me if i’m wrong).

So it seems i’m left with only two options, the Heatit Z-TRM2fx here: https://www.heatit.com/heating-control/floor-heating-thermostats/heatit-z-trm2/ or the Heltun z-wave stat here: https://www.heltun.com/z-wave-heating-thermostat

Can anyone share experiences? They are all expensive options so don’t want to make a mistake!

I have a Heltun. It looks lovely and has a lot of features. It is the only one that I can find that actually reports all temperatures. I’ve also tried a Heat it and a MCOHome but those will only show set temperatures and not actual (I still have a MCO Home on the wall in my sitting room but it will be going).

The Heltun is not recognised out of the box (neither are the others) and will need some heavy Z Wave configuration. For me this is a work in progress but I have ten separate zones to control and so will take my time before I let loose and buy more of them.

The Heltun web site still states no official Z Wave certification which is a bit worrying but mine has been connected for a couple of months and relaying for battery based devices OK. I need to pull my finger out and get this thing sorted - the docs look very complete but I am not an expert in Z Wave config yet and there are a lot of settings. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AKHXZHyFCfpo_2Wd0XrisgIwilpezM7Q/view

So, for my money it is the Heltun.

Really appreciate your review and insight, I think I’ll go with one (but no UK manufacturer currently has any, Vesternet can only get the white/white version)

It is a slight worry about the lack of certification, and considering the specs, manuals and product quality i’m wondering why that would be?

So many of these companies are bringing out products then going bust, I hope it won’t be one of those if i opt for it!

I’ve tried the Heat-It Thermostat. Unfortunately I got the Z-Term2 (non-fx) version. Managed to pair it, but after a z-wave network failure, It’s been unpaired ever since. The Z-Term2fx has a newer firmware, so this might be it. Anyway, I’m returning it to swap for a Z-Term2fx soon.

IIRC, it paired and showed the settings fairly well in Home Assistant out of the box. However, you need to make sure you have the full programming in H.A, as the thermostat doesn’t seem to support any significant logic by itself.

I have 3 z-trm2fx and they kind of work. Seems the config in OpenZWave is generic for all models and I only have one problem with one that has floor sensor I installed a couple of days ago. The problem is that HA (through OpenZWave) doesn’t set the current temperature so the climate themostat in Lovelace doesn’t show it correctly. I’m looking into it and have sent a support email to HeatIt so they might help.

I’ll post any progress here


Did you figure this out @fondberg? My Heatit Z-TRM2fx thermostats reports the temperature correct on the floor sensor entity. But the “current temperature” is still 0. I guess its pulling from the external sensor temperatur, which is 0, because im not using the external sensor.

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Bringing this thread to life again as I’m struggling with the configuration as well. Did you manage to get the temperature to show up correctly?

I´m struggling to even add the heatit node. I just get ERR from the thermostat. I´m using aeotec z-stick. Is there some other tricks to do other than add node in Homeassistant?

well, it was a another noob mistake. Distance was too big between z-stick and heatit. I still get the error from Heatit, but it still seems to work in z-wave.