HEEEELP All Zwave not working!

Have Home assistant running fine for years. Have 4 backups (each going back 1 week) Not sure what happened maybe when I updated all zwave stopped working (123 devices) my other devices (thermostats, zigbee, pool equipment, cars etc etc all work fine) Devices show up greyed out then once HA loads they get color but when turning on and off nothing works and after trying they grey out within a min. I can’t reinterview them they fail. I tried all 4 restores still nothing. I pulled the USB controller and plugged it back in, I tried full shut downs, etc etc etc. What happened? I been dealing with this for 4 days now and am ready to give up.

Install method?

Are you able to plug in usb controller and confirm it is seen on the host?

I used an image to reinstall a blank version of HA then used one of my 4 full system backups from the last 4 weeks. All do the same thing. Everything else works except the zwave stuff. The zwave stick shows up as /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Zooz_ZST10_700_Z-Wave_Stick_12053ce83dcaec11906f61a341be1031-if00-port0

Do you know how you had your USB stick configured in Z-Wave? Sounds like it changed which port it’s using.

Example for my system using Z-Wave JS UI and using a z-wave hat for my home assistant yellow

If you go into settings > system > hardware, can you find the USB stick?

From my settings system hardware:

Are all the keys backed up during a full backup? Why would none of my 4 weeks worth of backups work? It doesn’t make sense but its looking like I need to go manually readd all 123 devices and probably resetup all my automations etc etc etc this is very disappointing

That is not your settings system hardware screen. That is your Z-Wave JS screen

You need to actually click Settings (in HA) > System > Hardware > click All Hardware and expand the USB section to see what your stick is being detected as

Also, why are there two devices listed under your Z-Wave JS device options? To me that looks like your stick lost its identifier.

In my raspberry pi I have 1 USB memory stick (for OS) a USB to serial adapter for an old built in centralite litejet system intergration, and a 3 port USB hub with a zwave stick, a zigbee stick and a bluetooth usb (left to right in image). The zigbee and bluetooth devices all still work as do the litejet devices (and of course the storage drive) only the zwave stuff stopped working.

Is controller showing as connected in zwavejs?

If so it may be that your network was deleted from zwave stick. Zwavejs backup cannot restore that.

If you been at this 4days and no progress, how long to reset devices and rebuild network? May be faster to start over.

Yea I mean I haven’t been spending all day for 4 days just trying backups and seeing what happens. Adding 123 devices back will take a while and some are inside wallplates or are up really high. I’ll need to name them all the same and setup all the icons and make sure all my automations work. So it will take a bit of time for sure. But my worst fear is that whatever happened could happen again and I’ll have to do this again. There is no way to backup the system in full once done? What happens if the USB Zwave fails? I can’t just swap out the stick either. Kind of frustrating not know what caused the problem even. If it was just an update I did it makes me never want to do updates again (and that isn’t possible) oh well I guess :frowning: