I am new to HASS and I recently installed 2 days ago a Heiman Technology Co. Ltd Smart Smoke Sensor (HS1SA-Z) and it initially showed as 100% in the battery level indicator within HASS. It now shows up as 86% and the battery is designed to last 3 years!! Is there something within HASS which is stopping the smoke detector from sleeping? I assume is the reason for the sudden drop in battery reading? I did test it a few times but surely this can’t cause the battery to lose this amount in such a short amount of time? Checking in HASS and under entities ‘zwave.heiman_technology_co_ltd_smart_smoke_sensor_hs1sa_z_2’ it is showing as ‘Initializing (Probe)’ and is_awake ‘True’. IsReady is showing as ‘false’.
The smoke detector is battery only so looking at another post on here it mentions a battery PIR sensor has ‘is_awake = False’. Could that be the reason for the unexpected battery drain if mine is set to true?
I did try to change the state values so that is_active = false and this did initially work but this morning the values have gone back to their default I presume when the smoke sensor woke up and communicated with HASS.
This is the output on the right hand side in HASS:
node_id: 3
node_name: Heiman Technology Co. Ltd Smart Smoke Sensor HS1SA-Z
manufacturer_name: Heiman Technology Co. Ltd
product_name: Smart Smoke Sensor HS1SA-Z
query_stage: Initializing (Probe)
is_awake: true
is_ready: false
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
max_baud_rate: 40000
is_zwave_plus: true
capabilities: beaming,zwave_plus,routing
sentCnt: 31
sentFailed: 2
retries: 0
receivedCnt: 26
receivedDups: 0
receivedUnsolicited: 10
sentTS: 2020-02-07 22:28:33:889
receivedTS: 2020-02-09 10:14:30:567
lastRequestRTT: 34
averageRequestRTT: 34
lastResponseRTT: 435
averageResponseRTT: 379
battery_level: 86
wake_up_interval: 86400
application_version: 3.01
friendly_name: Heiman Technology Co. Ltd Smart Smoke Sensor HS1SA-Z