Helios EasyControl 3.0 to HomeAssistant custom integration

After I got my KWL360, I couldn’t find anything to bring my KWL into home assistant like I expected and wanted it.

But I found the groundwork of sanchosk.

This I transferred to python and extended it. I also put it into a custom integration which could be installed via hacs (at least via custom repo for the moment :wink:)

The integration can read all the sensors that I find useful at the moment:


It also can change the KWL mode via a select:

And finally it also can change the time and fan speed for the intensive mode:

The integration should work with the new Helios EasyControl 3.0 controller, which communicates via WebSocket, not like the old ones via ModBus over TCP.

The logic is calling the websocket every 60s to read the current data and uses the serial number of the device to generate unique ids.

The sources are here: github

If anyone has a picture we could use for the integration, I would be happy to add it.

If there are any additional wishes or problems :fearful: let me know, and I will see what I can do.

Great to see this! I was just thinking about finally integrating my helios. I will try this as soon as I get home!

Thanks for the work!

As discussed, what information do you need to integrate the original Helios Co2 sensor?
Thanks for the great work.

Works like a charm! Thanks!

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