Hello everyone,
I’m a computer science student and currently writing my Bachelor Thesis.
And guess what, I’m using Home Assistant as a base of my work.
I’m investigating how well a decentralized Home Automation approach might work.
With every room being a Home Assistant node connected to each other or with a central that controls the rest.
The other aspect is to have build it securely in a way so that all Data is user owned and the myriad of insecure Smart Devices won’t be exposed to the internet.
I already found the home-assistant-remote component that does a lot what I need.
My current goal is to learn the Home Assistant API and to get comfortable with writing and modifying plugins.
Is this the place to go? API Docs
I’ve already read through the Dev Docs
I hope at the end of my work I can provide something interesting for you and maybe start something I could build upon