I’ve just started to get to grips with HA, I already have a ASHP which I’m controlling using Hive integration to HA, and waiting on a solar install, can’t wait to start automating my home.
I’m a complete beginner in this stuff so apologies in advance if I ask some stupid questions.
Be sure to look at the second section in the cookbook Getting Started With HA
In the excellent work done by Jack, Home Assistant Index (AKA Index to Home Assistant Documentation), he states, “Documentation is extensive, but not easy to navigate - hence this unofficial index.” [emphasis mine]
When asking question, almost invariably, the YAML code is requested. And as a newbie, you probably don’t know how to make that look like code when asking your question. The line before the code and the line after the code must be ``` (three reverse single qoutes, which is the key to the right of the 1 key) This is part of the markdown language … in line formating. Other formatting can be found in the Markdown Cheatsheet as noted in Section 4 of the cookbook
Thankfully I’ve worked a little with YAML before, so I can do some basic operations with it. Though thanks for the link to the cheat sheet, it will be most useful.