Help a beginner with esphome and incorrect voltage on all plugs

I have 14 arlec power plugs with monitoring.
I recently changed all these to use esphome using the tuya clooudcuttre process.
These are set up with arlec-pc191ha-smart-plug-bk7231t-v1.3.5

The process went fine but I just notice my tesla was using way more poewer than on the original tuya firmware.

I looked into this and noticed all voltages reporting 490-510v for the plugs. As I assume is multiples the volts by amps to get the watts i imagine this is where the issue stems from.

I am really new to all this so thanks in advance for any assistance.

The yaml I use for this plug for example (they are all the same just with different names) - I suspect I have to change the voltage _divider from 1600?

name: esp-garage-corner
friendly_name: esp-garage-corner

board: generic-bk7231t-qfn32-tuya





password: “”

platform: esphome
password: “”

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password


  • platform: libretiny
    name: LibreTiny Version


  • platform: libretiny_pwm
    id: output_led_1
    pin: P26


  • platform: monochromatic
    id: light_switch_1
    output: output_led_1


  • platform: gpio
    id: binary_switch_1
    number: P11
    inverted: true
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    - switch.toggle: switch_1


  • platform: gpio
    id: switch_1
    name: Relay 1
    pin: P6
    • light.turn_on: light_switch_1
    • light.turn_off: light_switch_1

pin: P10


  • platform: hlw8012
    model: BL0937
    number: P7
    inverted: true
    number: P8
    inverted: true
    number: P24
    inverted: true
    name: BL0937 Current
    name: BL0937 Voltage
    name: BL0937 Power
    name: BL0937 Energy
    voltage_divider: 1600
    current_resistor: 0.001 ohm

Not using these plugs but you may check here: Arlec Grid Connect Smart Plug In Socket With Energy Meter (PC191HA or PC191BKHA) | or here: Energy consumption and Arlec Grid Connect (Tuya) smart plug - #85 by Mahko_Mahko for code example

Check what resistors your device has on board.
Or just make it match with your actual voltage like:
240/500 * 1600 = 768

Be aware that actual voltage can fluctuate ±10% nominal.

Thanks - I did come across one and was playing with 770 for the voltage.
I dont think it is taking the change however - suspect I will pick this up tomorrow after powering off the plug for 5 mins. I think that was reported by a few users in that same thread.

This is all fixed now. Strange that some device of the same type/model need a longer power off to ‘reset’ and see the new firmware. I am learnings lots.

I have several of the Version 1 units (with WB2S chip, plus a batch of the “version 2” units that were actually version 1). The current “Version 3” units use a different chip again, which has been patched to prevent being cloudcut over the air … so I’m hoping another reasonably priced device comes on the market before I need to replace these ones. Expect PC191HA to fail sometime after 18 months.

I know I have given my yaml for these plugs in discussions previously, so do a search here for “PC191HA”.

From memory, they return a value for Power every time, but alternate between Voltage or Current - and it is not possible to use one value for voltage_divider that gives accurate results for both Voltage and Current :angry: I chose to optimise for Voltage and use “voltage_divider: 770” and to calculate Current as Power / Voltage

I will also mention that I have found that these plugs rarely start using new firmware immediately - you have to physically unplug them for a minute or so, and when powered up again they should pause (loading the new firmware) before the LED starts blinking (starting to connect to wi-fi). I guess that internally they do a warm restart which isn’t enough to trigger the firmware update :frowning:
This can be detected from the ESPHome addon by selecting the [Logs] button then looking at the heading from the device - the first (green) line tells you the ESPHome version and the compile date/time.

And finally, when adding code into a furum post, use the [</>] button (or three backticks(`) to keep the indentation correct.

FYI, my yaml code is currently one header for each plug:

# I have a number of Arlec PC191HA smart plugs with Power Monitoring,  
# This contains the parameters specific to this individual device.
### This unit is labelled as "series 2" but is v1 internally ###

# device-specific values moved out of common files
  deviceIP: "111"                       # last octet of the IP Address used in the device name
  wifi_ssid:     !secret upstairs_ssid  ### which wi-fi to connect to
  wifi_password: !secret upstairs_password 
                            # This unit is labelled as "series 2" but is v1 internally
  pc191ha_version: "v1"               # versions 1 and 2 use different chips with different pinouts
  update_interval_network: "10 min"       # How often to report network quality values
  update_interval_energy:  "10 min"   # How often to measure and report energy values
  update_interval_sensor: "2 min"     # How often to measure and report other values

  common_wifi: !include _common_wifi.yaml
  device_base: !include _common_pc191ha-v1.yaml   # version 1

Almost all the code is common to all of this model of plug, so is in an include file - which I have kept adding to as I find new things, so there’s a fair bit you can ignore. Honestly I’m impressed that so much functionality can be fitted into such a small device.
_common_pc191ha-v1.yaml is:

# I have a number of Arlec PC191HA v1 smart plugs with Power Monitoring,  
#   so this file contains logic common to all, to save updating multiple files.
# Version 1 uses WB2S chip, but version 2 uses CB2S chip with different pin numbers 
#   ... so easier to have separate v1 and v2 common files. 
# Except that my units labelled "Version 2" are in fact the same as version 1. 

# ESPHome guide says to use "name_add_mac_suffix: true" to automatically add the  
#     MAC address to the device name, so you can use a single firmware for all devices.  
#     Since I already use static IP addresses, I use last octet of the device IP Address.  
#  Many sections include name: and id: which are given the same values. 
#  In fact the id: is used only within the yaml configuration, whereas the external 
#     HA entity is named with friendly_name: and underline and name:
#  So, the code:
#        binary_sensor:        # button   (bt1_pin: 11)
#          - platform: gpio
#            pin: P11
#            name: button
#            device_class: window
#  will generate HA entity named "pc191ha-111 button" with entity ID of "binary_sensor.pc191ha-111-button" 
#  Beware using friendly_name as this inconsistently adds a second device name prefix
#  friendly_name: pc191ha-${deviceIP}   # friendly_name is automatically prefixed to entities where necessary,
#                   # often resulting in entity ID of "binary_sensor.pc191ha-111-pc191ha-111-button" 

  devicename: pc191ha-${deviceIP} 
  # the parameters used below (for ease of adjusting)
  restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON        # mode for when power is turned on

  name:          pc191ha-${deviceIP}
  ### friendly_name: pc191ha-${deviceIP}   # friendly_name is automatically prefixed to entities where necessary.

  board: wb2s             # version 1 uses WB2S chip
    version: dev

# Enable logging

# PC191HA basic switch operation - button, relay and LED
    # button is a binary.sensor.  With the invert filter, the button is "ON" only while the button is being pressed. 
    # switch is the relay which turns the power on/off
    # light is the LED in the switch, so should have same on/off state as the relay
    #   so no point exposing these to HA - use internal: true option
    # there is also a wifi_LED, but it is not seen from outside the case
    # I have added a virtual Reset button, pressed via control panel or long press of the button

binary_sensor:        # button   (bt1_pin: 11)
  - platform: gpio
    pin: P11
    name: $devicename button
    device_class: window
    # by default the button is ON, and momentarily OFF while it is being pressed
    #  invert this, so ON means button is being pressed
      - invert:

    # when button is pressed, toggle the switch on/off
    # add long (4second) press to reset
    - timing:
        - ON for at least 4s
        - OFF for at least 1s
        - logger.log: "Button Long press to reset"
        - reboot         # long press to reset
    - timing:
        - ON for at most 1s
        - OFF for at least 1s
        - logger.log: "Button Single Short Clicked"
        - switch.toggle: relay        # toggle the relay / switch
    internal: true                    # button is momentary-on, HA is concerned with relay

switch:              # relay    (rl1_pin: 6)
  - platform: gpio
    pin: P6
    name: $devicename Relay
    id:   relay
    restore_mode: $restore_mode       # default when power is turned on
    # synchronise the LED with the relay
        - light.turn_on: led
        - light.turn_off: led

light:                # Blue LED in the button  (led1_pin: 26)
  - platform: status_led
    #name: $devicename LED state
    id:   led
    pin: P26
    restore_mode: $restore_mode       # default when power is turned on 
    internal: true          # don't need to see/change state of the LED separate from the relay

  - platform: restart
    name: $devicename Reboot
    id: reboot

# PC191HA sensors - power monitoring
  - id: total_energy
    type: float
    restore_value: yes
    initial_value: '0.0'

    # PC191HA includes a BL0937 chip for measuring power consumption
    #     and BL0937 is a variation of hlw8012, but using inverted SEL pin functionality
    #     Note that the first value reported should be ignored as inaccurate
  - platform: hlw8012
    model: BL0937     # note that the model must be specified to use special calculation parameters
    sel_pin:          # I believe that cf_pin reports either Voltage or Current depending on this select pin
      inverted: true  # determine whether true reports Voltage
      number: P24
    cf_pin:           # current or voltage (ele_pin: 7)
      inverted: true  # the logic of BL0937 is opposite from HLW8012
      number: P7
    cf1_pin:          #  Power (vi_pin: 8)
      inverted: true  # the logic of BL0937 is opposite from HLW8012
      number: P8
    update_interval: ${update_interval_sensor}      # How often to measure and report raw values

    ### Decided that I want Power and Voltage reported each time (not swapping with Current).  
    # I can choose not to keep swapping SEL pin, instead setting change_mode_every to a
    #   sufficiently high value that it will take 4000 years to change. 
    #   This means I will have to calculate the value for current (as a template) from power / voltage
    initial_mode: "VOLTAGE"           # reports VOLTAGE or CURRENT
    change_mode_every: 4294967295     # how many times to report before swapping

    # Adjust according to the actual resistor values on board to calibrate the specific unit
    voltage_divider:  770       # LOWER VALUE GIVES LOWER VOLTAGE
    current_resistor: 0.001     # HIGHER VALUE GIVES LOWER WATTAGE

    # how the power monitoring values are returned to ESPHome
      name: $devicename Voltage
      id:   voltage
      unit_of_measurement: V
      accuracy_decimals: 2
        - skip_initial: 1

      name: $devicename Power
      id:   power_sensor
      unit_of_measurement: W
      accuracy_decimals: 3
        - skip_initial: 1
        - multiply: 0.97
        - lambda: if (x < 0.01) {return 0;} else {return x;}

      name: $devicename Energy
      id: energy
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
      accuracy_decimals: 3
        - skip_initial: 1
        - multiply: 0.001  # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001
          - lambda: |-
              static float previous_energy_value = 0.0;
              float current_energy_value = id(energy).state;
              id(total_energy) += current_energy_value - previous_energy_value;
              previous_energy_value = current_energy_value;

  - platform: template  
    name: $devicename Current
    id: current
    unit_of_measurement: A
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    update_interval: ${update_interval_energy}
    lambda: |-
      return ( id(power_sensor).state / id(voltage).state );
      - skip_initial: 2     # give time for data to settle to avoid NaN
  - platform: template
    name: $devicename Total Energy
    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    device_class: "energy"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    icon: "mdi:lightning-bolt"
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    lambda: |-
      return id(total_energy);

  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name:  $devicename Daily Energy
    restore: true
    power_id: power_sensor
    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    accuracy_decimals: 1
      - multiply: 0.001

and _common_wifi.yaml contains the wi-fi parameters (including sensors) common to all my devices:

# Start with the Wi-fi connection

  ssid:     $wifi_ssid
  password: $wifi_password
    static_ip: 192.168.1.${deviceIP}
  fast_connect: True

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "$devicename Fallback Hotspot"
    password: !secret wifi_ap_password

  platform: esphome
  password: !secret esphome_ota_password


# this displays the device's status at http:IP_Address
  port: 80

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: !secret esphome_api_encryption

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: $devicename Wifi signal
    update_interval: ${update_interval_network}     # how often to report wifi signal strength

  # human readable uptime sensor output to the text sensor 
  - platform: uptime
    name: $devicename Uptime
    id: uptime_sensor
    update_interval: ${update_interval_network}     # how often to report
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: uptime_human
            state: !lambda |-
              int seconds = round(id(uptime_sensor).raw_state);
              int days = seconds / (24 * 3600);
              seconds = seconds % (24 * 3600);
              int hours = seconds / 3600;
              seconds = seconds % 3600;
              int minutes = seconds /  60;
              seconds = seconds % 60;
              return (
                (days ? String(days) + "d " : "") +
                (hours ? String(hours) + "h " : "") +
                (minutes ? String(minutes) + "m " : "") +
                (String(seconds) + "s")

  - platform: version
    name: $devicename ESPHome Version
    hide_timestamp: False

  - platform: wifi_info
      name: $devicename Wifi IP Address
      name: $devicename Wifi connected to SSID
      name: $devicename Wifi MAC Address

  - platform: template
    name: $devicename Uptime Human Readable
    id: uptime_human
    icon: mdi:clock-start

  - platform: sntp
    id: sntp_time
    update_interval: "120h"         # I guess this is to poll the SNTP server ?
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I recently bought Arlec version 2’s but actually the same chip as v3! Can’t update OTA so had to open up to convert. Thus the version is not a reliable indicator.

Probrbly hrve to add a filter to the voltage, and perhaps to the wattage too.

The thread below talked about these Arlec plugs. My yaml is shown in post #9. The resistor is always 0.001 but the other multipliers need to be adjusted for accurate readings.

I bought one black one, same - said version 2 on box, which was why I bought it, but same firmware as version 2. A pain.

I bought the 4 pack V2 thinking I could cut OTA! I’ve converted 2 but it is tricky desoldering the module without damaging tracks.

Saly, I am not in the soldering league. Stroke means I cant do such things.