So I had various forms of home automation happening with OpenHAB for the last 6 or so years and through an annoying sequence of events, I have bricked my OpenHAB setup. It was old and a bit clunky but done the job. It’s time to move on to HA I think…
Many of my items are DIY based on ESP8266 modules and utilize MQTT topics exclusively.
My MQTT server is still running fine and receiving data but in the short term, to get some minimum items back online, I want to link HA to the MQTT server and (hopefully) create objects similar to what I had in OpenHAB using HA.
An example:
I have an RFID reader which sends a code to -
ha/mod/ABCD/rf when a tag is read.
Openhab then used to process the received code, compare it to a known list and then publish back to ha/mod/ABCD/op with a message of 1 or 0 for allow or deny access.
This same module also functions as a doorbell, so when someone pushed the button, it would send a command to ha/mod/ABCD/db with a message of 1. OpenHAB would then play a sound on my Google Home speaker group.
Can someone give me some pointers on how I would go about this? Do I just have the MQTT integration subscribe to ha/mod/# (i have many modules) and somehow I create items that link to the further down path?
I’m really hoping I can get this working for now, as that’s the main functionality I am missing where I can’t just reflash it with ESPHome (yet).
I’m keen to learn it all, but I just need a leg up to get this core function enabled so I can migrate away over the next week or so. Please help