Help about use Template Cover


if I understand i need to add the broadlink key list for all open close and stop to Switch.yaml file

command_on:  'JgCIAg=='
command_off   'JgCIAg=='

and then under open_cover:/ close_cover / stop_cover i need to add the service?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Garage Door"
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.garage_door')|float > 0 }}"
          service: script.open_garage_door
          service: script.close_garage_door
          service: script.stop_garage_door


down is gray out

Template Cove - my code and here now all work just dwon button not working, what i miss?

Change to position_template: “50” solve the issue.

if to anyone have this.

The down arrow isn’t available as HA likely thinks the cover is currently closed (so it wouldn’t make sense to close a cover that is closed) . With a hard coded “50” in the position template HA will think the cover is always halfway open.

It looks like you have a means to control the cover (open, close, stop). Do you have a sensor to provide the position of your cover?

No, i do not have any sensor , just rf up down and stop, now that works fine, I’m happy.

i did the same thing for my blind. may i ask how to link template cover to alexa? i would like to be able to give command like open/close the blind

Hi, does the position 50 still work with icon state changes? Does it switch icons if opened or closed?