HELP Analog meter hardware June-energy camera module and gateway


I have some june-energy hardware, a gateway and 2x battery operated metercamera’s (elec+gas) i like to use with home assistant.
Some specifications: the mainboard is Bytelab hardware, it works great on the june-energy website. But I don’t have an june account or subscription anymore…So i like to get some help in finding out how the gateway receives and sends the information to their servers in UK, and use them in my local network. I found out the device is communicating (tls2 format) to an amazon uk server. no ports available for use (a 7xxx port is open). The device has tx rx pins available after teardown of the device. But this is beyond my knowledge : how to read or flash the device to send the info to my own server with 7digits ocr or alternative to get my analog meter readings into home assistant…anyone here smart enough?

I forget to mention the gateway looks exactly the same, but with lan port and no camera and wifi module inside

I got some spare time today, the gateway has a webpage only for setting up wifi connection. and I get an esp_xxx wifi ssid when not powered on but usb connnected. the esp wifi distributes a dhcp ip address when coneected,but has no single open port, no activity on wifi scan with wireshark from the device.
no open ports on scan when powered on and on the local webpage to configure wifi. When connected to my wifi ap, it start sending tls encrypted packets to uk amazon servers…so far al i got today