HELP: Analog Water Meter Reading - ESP8266

Preface: I’m new to the world of ESP but have built a scale using an 8266 and HX711 but with Tasmota, not ESPHome. It is integrated with Home Assistant and properly calculates the weight of the water in my softener tank.

In order to disperse the softener into the water system, there is a pump that gets input from a meter which has a pulse output. The meter is a PulsaFeeder with an analog output (2 wires) going into the PulsaFeeder pump.

I’d like to use this output from the meter to capture the water usage. It looks like the pulse is triggered via magnetics for every .01 US Gallon used.

I have an extra ESP8266 that I would like to use. I have done some searching and cannot find a “dumbed down” version of how to accomplish this so I’m hoping to find some help here. Ideally, I’d use the 8266 with Tasmota since I’m familiar with it, but I’m open to your suggestions.


Since you said that the meter has magnetic pulse system, you can check the below project for inspiration for wiring.

Instead of the firmware mentioned, you can use esphome with Pulse Counter Sensor — ESPHome

Thanks. I read through this and conceptually it makes sense to me but it’s a bit over my head at this point. I need to start a few steps back.