Help and suggestions for an Astronomy Dashboard

As a fun project, I’m working on an Astronomy/Astrometrics dashboard, filled with science data. I’m not an astronomer, nor this view will help me paying the bill. Nonetheless, the general idea is to inspire my kids to science in different points of our home, and this includes the Lovelace dashboards.

This is what I’ve got so far:

I was wondering if you can help me to setup and/or better organize the cards and if you have some ideas of other interesting science data I could add to increase the wow effect.

tnx allot for the suggestions!


I though a nightsky widget was a mandatory item to add. This one looks cool but it’s not very responsive (it’s an iframe of a webpage which was not intended to be embedded at all).

No way to find an open API for dynamically creating a PNG or similar. Any idea on where to find it?

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great idea,
which cards/integrations used for moon, soho, goes, solar system, and rover cam?
found it” has many interesting stuff I’m trying to embed now” has tons of images

when embedding with generic camera it works good but I think it’s waste of resources, would be better to embed with iframe but then scaling not working