I have an old smart LED tv which don’t have CEC functionality so i am trying to do some automation using ESPHome natively so i can automate my TV based on mi box status
When i turn on/off mi box , there is LED indicator I have hooked LDR on that to get its on/off status (i could get status from Home assistant but sometimes i use mobile data too instead of WiFi)
So i want to do automaton based on Lux
if lux value is higher than 100 then turn on “kitchentv” (relay power on)
1 second delay
turn on"sonyp" (IR power on)
and lux value is lower than 100 then turn off “sonyp” (IR power off)
1 second delay
turn off “kitchentv” (relay power off)
i know about using lambda with switch but not getting how to it using lux value
here is my config
name: ir_remote
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini
ssid: "ssid"
password: "pass"
port: 80
# Example configuration entry
pin: GPIO15
dump: all
pin: 5
carrier_duty_percent: 50%
- platform: adc
pin: A0
id: mibox_lux
name: "Mi box Brightness"
unit_of_measurement: lx
update_interval: 1s
- lambda: |-
return (x * 5 / 10000.0) * 2000000.0;
- platform: gpio
id: kitchentv
name: "Kitchen TV"
inverted: True
pin: 14
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
#IR stuff
- platform: template
id: sonyp
name: "Sony Power Button"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [2393, -609, 1192, -610, 593, -608, 1193, -609, 593,
-608, 1193, -609, 592, -609, 591, -610, 1194, -609, 591, -610, 591,
-610, 592, -609, 593, -10000]
carrier_frequency: 38khz
repeat: 5