Help Binary Sensor Device Class Specific Theming

im trying to set specific binary sensor device class for certain colours. below is an example. Now i read the themes website section called The color rules can be customized using theme variables and also made note of
Note that the variables will be used in the listed order, so if multiple match your entity, the first matching variable (= most specific one) will be used.

The below may seem the same but the on and off are switched because if the a Binary sensor for Safety is marked as safe its Off, but i want this to be green

    state-binary_sensor-safety-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-safety-off-color: "#FFA500" # green
    state-binary_sensor-safety-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-safety-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

Where as Binary sensor for running is on its green and off is red

    ### Binary Sensor Running ###   
    state-binary_sensor-running-on-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-binary_sensor-running-off-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-binary_sensor-running-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-running-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

Here is the rest of my theme

My Theme:
    ## HA variables
    #ha-card-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1px var(--border-color) # borders, no shadow
    ha-card-box-shadow: "0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.20)"
    ha-card-border-radius: 14px
    ha-card-border-width: 0px
    ha-dialog-border-radius: 14px

    # # app header
    # app-header-text-color: var(--primary-text-color)
    # app-header-background-color: var(--primary-background-color) # see light/dark mode below
    ## Browser Mod variables
    popup-border-radius: 24px
    popup-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
    popup-padding-x: 8px
    popup-padding-y: 8px
    ## Mushroom variables
    # layout
    mush-spacing: 8px
    # titles & subtitles
    mush-title-padding: 20px 12px 8px
    mush-title-spacing: 6px
    mush-title-font-size: 16px
    mush-title-font-weight: bolder
    mush-title-line-height: 1.1
    mush-subtitle-font-size: 12px
    mush-subtitle-font-weight: normal
    mush-subtitle-line-height: 1

    ## Home Assistant Tile Card Variables
    ha-card-tile-border-radius: 50px
    ha-card-tile-padding: 12px
    ha-card-tile-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
    ha-card-tile-border-color: var(--border-color)
    ha-card-tile-border-width: 1px
    ha-card-tile-box-shadow: var(--ha-card-box-shadow)
    ha-card-tile-title-font-size: 12px
    ha-card-tile-title-font-weight: bold
    ha-card-tile-subtitle-font-size: 11px
    ha-card-tile-subtitle-font-weight: normal
    ha-card-tile-icon-size: 24px
    ha-card-tile-icon-color: var(--primary-color)

    # cards
    mush-card-primary-font-size: 14px
    mush-card-secondary-font-size: 12px
    mush-card-primary-font-weight: bold
    mush-card-secondary-font-weight: normal
    mush-card-primary-line-height: 1.5
    mush-card-secondary-line-height: 1.5
    # chips
    mush-chip-spacing: 6px
    mush-chip-padding: 0 0.25em
    mush-chip-height: 38px
    mush-chip-border-radius: 8px
    mush-chip-font-size: 0.3em
    mush-chip-font-weight: bold
    mush-chip-icon-size: 0.5em
    mush-chip-avatar-padding: 0.1em
    mush-chip-avatar-border-radius: 50%
    mush-chip-box-shadow: var(--ha-card-box-shadow)
    mush-chip-background: var(--ha-card-background)

    # Control
    mush-control-border-radius: 20px
    mush-control-height: 42px
    mush-control-button-ratio: 1
    mush-control-icon-size: 0.5em

    # Slider
    mush-slider-threshold: 10
    # Badge
    mush-badge-size: 10px
    mush-badge-icon-size: 0.75em
    mush-badge-border-radius: 50%
    ha-badge-active-badge-color: "#3F51B5" # primary
    ha-badge-size: 36px
    ha-badge-border-radius: 8px
    # Icon
    mush-icon-border-radius: 50%
    mush-icon-size: 35px
    mush-icon-symbol-size: 0.6em

    # Colors
    mush-rgb-amber: rgb(255, 194, 0) → #FFC200
    mush-rgb-black: rgb(0, 0, 0) → #000000
    mush-rgb-blue: rgb(52, 152, 219) → #3498DB
    mush-rgb-blue-grey: rgb(52, 73, 94) → #34495E
    mush-rgb-brown: rgb(121, 85, 72) → #795548
    mush-rgb-disabled-color: rgb(189, 189, 189) → #bdbdbd;
    mush-rgb-cyan: rgb(0, 188, 212) → #00BCD4
    mush-rgb-dark-blue: rgb(21, 101, 192) → #1565C0
    mush-rgb-dark-green: rgb(25, 111, 61) → #196F3D
    mush-rgb-dark-grey: rgb(81, 90, 90) → #515A5A
    mush-rgb-deep-orange: rgb(255, 87, 34) → #FF5722
    mush-rgb-deep-purple: rgb(103, 58, 183) → #673AB7
    mush-rgb-green: rgb(76, 175, 80) → #4CAF50
    mush-rgb-grey: rgb(149, 165, 166) → #95A5A6
    mush-rgb-indigo: rgb(63, 81, 181) → #3F51B5
    mush-rgb-light-blue: rgb(129, 212, 250) → #81D4FA
    mush-rgb-light-green: rgb(165, 214, 167) → #A5D6A7
    mush-rgb-light-purple: rgb(187, 143, 206) → #BB8FCE
    mush-rgb-lime: rgb(205, 220, 57) → #CDDC39
    mush-rgb-orange: rgb(255, 165, 0) → #FFA500
    mush-rgb-pink: rgb(236, 64, 122) → #EC407A
    mush-rgb-purple: rgb(142, 68, 173) → #8E44AD
    mush-rgb-red: rgb(244, 67, 54) → #F44336
    mush-rgb-teal: rgb(0, 150, 136) → #009688
    mush-rgb-white: rgb(255, 255, 255) → #FFFFFF
    mush-rgb-yellow: rgb(255, 204, 0) → #FFCC00
    mush-rgb-info: "#3498DB"
    mush-rgb-success: "#4CAF50"
    mush-rgb-warning: var(--mush-rgb-accent)
    mush-rgb-danger: "#F44336"

    ## State Domain Colors ##
    state-active-color:  "#4CAF50" # green
    state-inactive-color: var(--grey-color);
    state-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Alarm Control Panel ###
    state-alarm_control_panel-armed_away-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-alarm_control_panel-armed_custom_bypass-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-alarm_control_panel-armed_home-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-alarm_control_panel-armed_night-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-alarm_control_panel-armed_vacation-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-alarm_control_panel-arming-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-alarm_control_panel-disarming-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-alarm_control_panel-pending-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-alarm_control_panel-triggered-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-alarm_control_panel-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-alarm_control_panel-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Alert ###
    state-alert-off-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-alert-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-alert-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-alert-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    # ### Binary Sensor ###
    # state-binary_sensor-active-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    # state-binary_sensor-battery-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-carbon_monoxide-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-gas-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-heat-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-moisture-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-problem-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-smoke-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-sound-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-tamper-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-cold-on-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    # state-binary_sensor-window-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    # state-binary_sensor-moisture-off-color: "#4CAF50" # green

    ### Binary Sensor Safety ###
    state-binary_sensor-brads_nas_drive_1_below_min_remaining_life-on-color: "#F44336" # red (alert)
    state-binary_sensor-brads_nas_drive_1_below_min_remaining_life-off-color: "#FFA500" # green (no alert)
    state-binary_sensor-safety-on-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-safety-off-color: "#FFA500" # green
    state-binary_sensor-safety-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-safety-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Binary Sensor Running ###   
    state-binary_sensor-running-on-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-binary_sensor-running-off-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-binary_sensor-running-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-running-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    ### Binary Sensor Door ###   
    state-binary_sensor-door-off-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-binary_sensor-door-on-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-binary_sensor-door-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-door-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Binary Sensor Lock ###   
    state-binary_sensor-lock-off-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-binary_sensor-lock-on-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-binary_sensor-lock-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-lock-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Binary Sensor Connectivity ###   
    state-binary_sensor-connectivity-off-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-binary_sensor-connectivity-on-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-binary_sensor-connectivity-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-binary_sensor-connectivity-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Climate ###
    state-climate-auto-color: "#009688" # teal
    state-climate-cool-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-climate-dry-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-climate-fan_only-color: "#00BCD4" # cyan
    state-climate-heat-color: "#FF5722" # deep orange
    state-climate-heat_cool-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-climate-off-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-climate-idle-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-climate-emergency_heat-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-climate-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-climate-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Cover ###
    state-cover-active-color: "#FFA500" # purple
    state-cover-garage-open-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-cover-open-color: "#8E44AD" # purple
    state-cover-closed-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-cover-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-cover-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Device Tracker ###
    state-device_tracker-active-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-device_tracker-home-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-device_tracker-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-device_tracker-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Fan ###
    state-fan-active-color: "#009688" # teal
    state-fan-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-fan-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Humidifier ###
    state-humidifier-on-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-humidifier-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-humidifier-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Lawn Mower ###
    state-lawn_mower-error-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-lawn_mower-mowing-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-lawn_mower-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-lawn_mower-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Light ###
    state-light-active-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-light-off-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-light-idle-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-light-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-light-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Lock ###
    state-lock-jammed-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-lock-locked-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-lock-locking-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-lock-unlocked-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-lock-unlocking-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-lock-open-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-lock-opening-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-lock-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-lock-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Media Player ###
    state-media_player-playing-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-media_player-paused-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-media_player-idle-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-media_player-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-media_player-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Person ###
    state-person-active-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-person-home-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-person-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-person-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Plant ###
    state-plant-active-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-plant-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-plant-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Remote ###
    state-remote-on-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-remote-off-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-remote-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-remote-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Siren ###
    state-siren-active-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-siren-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-siren-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Sun ###
    state-sun-above_horizon-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-sun-below_horizon-color: "#3F51B5" # indigo
    state-sun-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-sun-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Switch ###
    state-switch-active-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-switch-off-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-switch-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-switch-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Timer ###
    state-timer-active-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-timer-paused-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-timer-finished-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-timer-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-timer-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Update ###
    state-update-active-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-update-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-update-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Vacuum ###
    state-vacuum-active-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-vacuum-docked-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-vacuum-cleaning-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-vacuum-paused-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-vacuum-returning-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-vacuum-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-vacuum-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Valve ###
    state-valve-active-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-valve-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-valve-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Water Heater ###
    state-water_heater-eco-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-water_heater-electric-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-water_heater-gas-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-water_heater-heat_pump-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-water_heater-high_demand-color: "#FF5722" # deep orange
    state-water_heater-performance-color: "#FF5722" # deep orange
    state-water_heater-off-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-water_heater-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-water_heater-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Button ###
    state-button-pressed-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-button-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-button-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Sensor ###
    state-sensor-battery-high-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-sensor-battery-low-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-sensor-battery-medium-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-sensor-active-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-sensor-idle-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-sensor-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-sensor-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Input Entities ###
    state-input_boolean-on-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-input_boolean-off-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-input_boolean-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_boolean-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_number-active-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-input_number-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_number-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_select-active-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-input_select-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_select-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_text-active-color: "#00BCD4" # cyan
    state-input_text-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-input_text-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Automation and Script ###
    state-automation-on-color: "#4CAF50" # green
    state-automation-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-automation-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-script-running-color: "#FFA500" # orange
    state-script-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-script-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    ### Weather ###
    state-weather-clear-night-color: "#3F51B5" # indigo
    state-weather-cloudy-color: "#34495E" # blue-grey
    state-weather-fog-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-weather-hail-color: "#81D4FA" # light blue
    state-weather-lightning-color: "#FFCC00" # yellow
    state-weather-lightning-rainy-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-weather-partlycloudy-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-weather-pouring-color: "#1565C0" # dark blue
    state-weather-rainy-color: "#3498DB" # blue
    state-weather-snowy-color: "#81D4FA" # light blue
    state-weather-snowy-rainy-color: "#34495E" # blue-grey
    state-weather-sunny-color: "#FFC200" # amber
    state-weather-windy-color: "#A5D6A7" # light green
    state-weather-windy-variant-color: "#95A5A6" # grey
    state-weather-exceptional-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-weather-unknown-color: "#F44336" # red
    state-weather-unavailable-color: "#F44336" # red

    # ### Energy Dashboard Colours ###
    # --energy-grid-consumption-color: #F44336; #red
    # --energy-grid-return-color: #4CAF50; # green
    # --energy-solar-color: #ff9800;
    # --energy-non-fossil-color: #0f9d58;
    # --energy-battery-out-color: #4db6ac;
    # --energy-battery-in-color: #f06292;
    # --energy-gas-color: #8e021b;
    # --energy-water-color: #00bcd4;

    # font
    primary-font-family: "Roboto"
    secondary-font-family: SF Pro, Roboto, system-ui
    paper-font-common-base_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
    paper-font-common-code_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
    paper-font-body1_-_font-family: "var(--secondary-font-family)"
    paper-font-subhead_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
    paper-font-headline_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
    paper-font-caption_-_font-family: "var(--secondary-font-family)"
    paper-font-title_-_font-family: "var(--secondary-font-family)"
    ha-card-header-font-family: "var(--secondary-font-family)"
    # You must keep this to support light/dark theme
            # HA variables: background and sidebar
            card-background-color: "#FFFFFF"
            primary-background-color: "#EFEFEF"
            border-color: "#E8E8E8"
            # Mushroom variables
            mush-rgb-disabled: 189, 189, 189
            mush-rgb-snow: rgba("#95A5A6", 0.1)
            # Custom variables
            cstm-rgb-on-primary-text: 255, 255, 255
            cstm-rgb-on-secondary-text: 220, 220, 220
            cstm-rgb-on: 30, 30, 30
            cstm-rgb-on-secondary: 51, 51, 51
            cstm-rgb-plug-on-icon: 255, 255, 255
            cstm-rgb-plug-on-background: rgba("#3498DB", 0.7)
            cstm-rgb-automation-on-icon: var(--mush-rgb-white)
            cstm-rgb-automation-on-background: rgba(var(--mush-rgb-black), 0.7)
            cstm-rgb-bottom-nav: 255, 255, 255
            # HA variables: background and sidebar
            primary-background-color: "#121212"
            card-background-color: "#1D1D1D"
            border-color: "#2C2633"
            # Mushroom variables
            mush-rgb-disabled: 111, 111, 111
            mush-rgb-snow: rgba(var(--mush-rgb-white), 0.7)
            # Custom variables
            cstm-rgb-on-primary-text: 0, 0, 0
            cstm-rgb-on-secondary-text: 51, 51, 51
            cstm-rgb-on: 255, 255, 255
            cstm-rgb-on-secondary: 221, 221, 221
            cstm-rgb-plug-on-icon: 255, 255, 255
            cstm-rgb-plug-on-background: rgba("#3498DB", 0.8)
            cstm-rgb-automation-on-icon: var(--mush-rgb-black)
            cstm-rgb-automation-on-background: rgba(var(--mush-rgb-white), 0.8)
            cstm-rgb-bottom-nav: 30, 30, 30