I am having the same problem. I have a BLE tracker tag on my keychain made my Nutale. I downloaded diagnostics, searched and found Nutale in the log. I hoped the tag would be among discovered devices in the GUI for me to use for presence detection. Do I have to manually add it by coding? How exactly do I do that?
Below it the section from the diagnostics dump.
"name": "nutale",
"address": "A4:C1:38:68:75:E8",
"rssi": -66,
"advertisement_data": [
"00000900-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb": {
"__type": "<class 'bytes'>",
"repr": "b'\\xa4\\xc18hu\\xe8\\x16\\x01\\x00\\x01\\x01\\x01'"
"Address": "A4:C1:38:68:75:E8",
"AddressType": "public",
"Name": "nutale",
"Alias": "nutale",
"Paired": false,
"Bonded": false,
"Trusted": false,
"Blocked": false,
"LegacyPairing": false,
"RSSI": -66,
"Connected": false,
"UUIDs": [
"Adapter": "/org/bluez/hci0",
"ServiceData": {
"00000900-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb": {
"__type": "<class 'bytearray'>",
"repr": "bytearray(b'\\xa4\\xc18hu\\xe8\\x16\\x01\\x00\\x01\\x01\\x01')"
"ServicesResolved": false,
"AdvertisingFlags": {
"__type": "<class 'bytearray'>",
"repr": "bytearray(b'\\x06')"
"details": {
"path": "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_A4_C1_38_68_75_E8",
"props": {
"Address": "A4:C1:38:68:75:E8",
"AddressType": "public",
"Name": "nutale",
"Alias": "nutale",
"Paired": false,
"Bonded": false,
"Trusted": false,
"Blocked": false,
"LegacyPairing": false,
"RSSI": -60,
"Connected": false,
"UUIDs": [
"Adapter": "/org/bluez/hci0",
"ServiceData": {
"00000900-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb": {
"__type": "<class 'bytearray'>",
"repr": "bytearray(b'\\xa4\\xc18hu\\xe8\\x16\\x01\\x00\\x01\\x01\\x01')"
"ServicesResolved": false,
"AdvertisingFlags": {
"__type": "<class 'bytearray'>",
"repr": "bytearray(b'\\x06')"