Help coding inverted covers with templates as buttons

Hi. i have five covers that come into HA inverted. Didnt matter if i reversed the wiring. It just is reversed. So i found some code while googling and have integrated it with my needs.
Basicly i got a slider to set the position, with a position in percentage. Works fine.

But im looking to simplify it a bit more. I am looking how to just make a button that would set position, but with the template system in mind, because i want it to remember where it is.

Currently my config in my covers.yaml is like this per cover:

- platform: template
    #### Kjøkken Markise Reversert####
      friendly_name: Markise Kjøkken Inverted
      position_template: >
        {{100 - (state_attr('cover.markise_kjokken_cover','current_position')|int)}}
        service: cover.set_cover_position
          entity_id: cover.markise_kjokken_cover
          position: >
            {{100 - position}}

and my entity is like this:

type: entities
  - entity: cover.markise_kjokken_cover
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Markise Kjøkken
    icon: mdi:information-outline
      action: none
      - entity: cover.markise_kjokken_cover_inverted
        name: Lukket/Åpen
        unit: '%'
        attribute: current_position
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    entity: cover.markise_kjokken_cover_inverted
    attribute: position
    full_row: false
    hide_state: true
    icon: mdi:window-shutter
      action: none
    name: Posisjon

How to archive the same functionality with just buttons?
Im thinking each button: 50% closed, Open, Closed. etc.
I have tried several codings, but i cant seem to understand templates and im not great with coding.

Any pointers? Guides? Help me, ill pay your coffee or something :slight_smile: