HELP! Conditional trigger for power sensor

I have a power metering plug on my Washing machine that up till now just looked for the power usage to drop below 1w for 2 mins and send an app alert to mine and my wifes phones. It works 90% ok except can get false postives as even on standby can go over 1w and back down thus triggering an alert.

I had an idea to build some deeper logic into the alert hoping to alleviate this issue. The idea was to set my trigger to start when over 200w for 1 second. Then would continue to an If-Then in the action.

Here is a sample of my YAML config. It seems to just skip the alert component even though I have asked it to wait for upto 2 hours for next condition.

alias: Notification - Washing Machine Cycle Complete
description: >-
  This automation uses power metering to determine when the machine has finished
  a washing cycle and sends a notification to both Michael and Colleen.
  - type: power
    platform: device
    device_id: 29feabd00ccc2d74e4edf0adabaea88e
    entity_id: 539637b7036b6b1b72bac86756216cae
    domain: sensor
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
    above: 200
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_michaels_iphone_14
      message: Washing machine has finished
    enabled: false
  - service: notify.mobile_app_colleens_iphone_14
      message: The washing machine has finished
    enabled: false
  - if:
      - type: is_power
        condition: device
        device_id: 29feabd00ccc2d74e4edf0adabaea88e
        entity_id: 539637b7036b6b1b72bac86756216cae
        domain: sensor
        above: 200
      - wait_for_trigger:
          - type: power
            platform: device
            device_id: 29feabd00ccc2d74e4edf0adabaea88e
            entity_id: 539637b7036b6b1b72bac86756216cae
            domain: sensor
            below: 1
              hours: 0
              minutes: 2
              seconds: 0
          hours: 2
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 0
          milliseconds: 0
      - service: notify.mobile_app_colleens_iphone_14
          message: Washing cycle complete
      - service: notify.mobile_app_michaels_iphone_14
          message: Washing cycle complete
mode: single

There is a good Blueprint for this type of thing.

Thanks, I will check it out and see if it suits my needs better.

Power trigger on a device platform is not a thing.
There is this post if you want to do other than a BP where your question also appears to be solved…

Should one of these help you, would you be so kind as to click the solved button for which way you went or post your solution?