Help configuring energy with Huawei solar integration

I installed a PV system in my house, it’s a Huawei system.
Inverter SUN2000-6KTL-L1
Battery Luna2000-14kw (S1 version 2x6.9Kw modules)
A Meter
14 optimizators

Then I own a ShellyPM with two clamps that I was using to measure energy consumpion in Home (one clamp) and basement (other clamp)

Then I have many smart plugs/smart swithces on almost all devices in my house

I installed Huawei Solar and I was able to connect my system to HA via wifi.
I used the recommended Wifi via the IP my solarfusion app connects to the inverter (
Now there are 18 devices (Batteries/Battery 1, inverter, meter and 14 optim.) and 229 entities.

Now in my energy setup I have
Grid: The two shellyem clamps
Solar panels: Inverter daily yeld
Battery: Batteries daily charge/discharge

Then I have many individual devices consumptions

I don’t think what I made wrong, but my energy dashboard is alla mess…

Energy distribution is like this (don’t see house consumption…)

Energy consumption is like this

Solar production is like this (I think this is the total inverter production to the house, sun+battery…)

These are sources

And this is the single devices detail

What am I doing wrong?

I have a Powermeter exported configured.

I have no battery.
Did you configure a sensor for power export , which is provided in my case by the Huawei integration, which has 2 devices, inverter and powermeter. The second provides consumption and exported.
You could try to make a template sensor which calculates the export as difference of consumption and solar production.

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Thank for your reply
Yes I have these values from the meter

I will see how to calculate consumption from them…
By the way, I am not exporting to the grid yet, I am waiting for the permission to do that…
In the meantime I read this section in the fusion solar integration wiki “Energy Calculation from the Inverter and Battery sensors values (without Riemann Integration)”

I made the energy_pv and the energy_pv_daily sensors.
The energy_pv_daily at this time is exactly equal to what the web interface calls “Yield today”
Now I have 11.05 on Fusionsolar web page and I have 11.05 at energy_pv_daily…
I used this sensor as value for solar panels production and all the graphs gained sense.
This is now the consumption

This the production

The only strange value is at midnight… I hope tomorrow this will not happen, may be some value mis interpreted by HA.

Other strange value is home consumption

I know my home used 4.04kWh, not 10.4

Energy imported from the grid could be evaluated from power meter?
Looking at this plot
If I evaluate 111,83 - 111,68 = 0.15kWh (value at midnight - value now) is equal to what fusionsolar web app say is my consumption from grid
Can I make a sensor to evaluate this value?
Thanks again

Ok I tried to set the power meter imported by the grid sensor as grid consumption and the plot seems better



Strange thing in this plot the battery charge/discharge are inverted…
I set them correcly in the energy setup

Now I must see how to calculate the export to the grid…

Your electricity usage graph seem quite reasonable.

compared to mine.


I don’t see exported to grid in your distribution. (ignore Low-

It’s fine but I don’t know why at 00 It shows a lot of solar production/usage …
This morning is 6kWh not possible.

Hello, you don’t see exported to grid because I don’t export right now.
I’m waiting for the energy authority to approve my connection to the grid as a producer. Here in Italy it takes 2/3 mounth to connect as a producer. My system vas set operational in 6 december 2024 and I asked for the connection 20 days ago…
So the installer set my system as local production only.

Ok, now the early morning solar production seems fixed
I used the last reply suggestion in this discussion

I changed from daily production to total production in panels setup

The only problem now is the negative production during night (inverter/PV system consumption?)
And I must understand if the battery charging is correct as negative value… I think it should be the opposite (charge positive - discharge negative)