I installed a PV system in my house, it’s a Huawei system.
Inverter SUN2000-6KTL-L1
Battery Luna2000-14kw (S1 version 2x6.9Kw modules)
A Meter
14 optimizators
Then I own a ShellyPM with two clamps that I was using to measure energy consumpion in Home (one clamp) and basement (other clamp)
Then I have many smart plugs/smart swithces on almost all devices in my house
I installed Huawei Solar and I was able to connect my system to HA via wifi.
I used the recommended Wifi via the IP my solarfusion app connects to the inverter (
Now there are 18 devices (Batteries/Battery 1, inverter, meter and 14 optim.) and 229 entities.
Now in my energy setup I have
Grid: The two shellyem clamps
Solar panels: Inverter daily yeld
Battery: Batteries daily charge/discharge
Then I have many individual devices consumptions
I don’t think what I made wrong, but my energy dashboard is alla mess…
Energy distribution is like this (don’t see house consumption…)
I have no battery.
Did you configure a sensor for power export , which is provided in my case by the Huawei integration, which has 2 devices, inverter and powermeter. The second provides consumption and exported.
You could try to make a template sensor which calculates the export as difference of consumption and solar production.
I will see how to calculate consumption from them…
By the way, I am not exporting to the grid yet, I am waiting for the permission to do that…
In the meantime I read this section in the fusion solar integration wiki “Energy Calculation from the Inverter and Battery sensors values (without Riemann Integration)”
I made the energy_pv and the energy_pv_daily sensors.
The energy_pv_daily at this time is exactly equal to what the web interface calls “Yield today”
Now I have 11.05 on Fusionsolar web page and I have 11.05 at energy_pv_daily…
I used this sensor as value for solar panels production and all the graphs gained sense.
This is now the consumption
This the production
The only strange value is at midnight… I hope tomorrow this will not happen, may be some value mis interpreted by HA.
Other strange value is home consumption
I know my home used 4.04kWh, not 10.4
Energy imported from the grid could be evaluated from power meter?
Looking at this plot
If I evaluate 111,83 - 111,68 = 0.15kWh (value at midnight - value now) is equal to what fusionsolar web app say is my consumption from grid
Can I make a sensor to evaluate this value?
Thanks again
Hello, you don’t see exported to grid because I don’t export right now.
I’m waiting for the energy authority to approve my connection to the grid as a producer. Here in Italy it takes 2/3 mounth to connect as a producer. My system vas set operational in 6 december 2024 and I asked for the connection 20 days ago…
So the installer set my system as local production only.
Ok, now the early morning solar production seems fixed
I used the last reply suggestion in this discussion
I changed from daily production to total production in panels setup
The only problem now is the negative production during night (inverter/PV system consumption?)
And I must understand if the battery charging is correct as negative value… I think it should be the opposite (charge positive - discharge negative)