I’m trying to filter the recorder history and I’m find it isn’t dong exactly what it is supposed to be. There appears to be items in there that should be excluded.
My config is as below and before anyone asks, I’ve only added the exclude now to see if explicitly stating the excludes will help keep the items out of the recorder log, it’s ben tried with and without the exclude section . . .
db_url: mysql://xxx@core-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8mb4
commit_interval: 20
purge_keep_days: 10
- light
- switch
- cover
- sensor
- sun
- sensor.solaredge_*kwh
- sensor.solaredge_*power*
- sensor.solaredge_m1_ac_current*
- sensor.aircon_import_energy*
- binary_sensor.front_door*motion*
- switch.front_door*motion_detection
- sensor.tasmota_*_energy_current
- sensor.tasmota_*_energy_power
- sensor.tasmota_*_energy_total
- sensor.tasmota_*_energy_today
- sensor.*_total_consumption
- sensor.water_tank_*
- sensor.zigbee_*
- sensor.0x00*
- sensor.speedtest_*
- sensor.greenhouse_*
- binary_sensor.irrigation_unlimited*
- input_select.irrigation_unlimited*
- device_tracker.*_iphone
- sensor.solaredge_i1_status
- sensor.solaredge_i1_temp_sink
- sensor.aircon_total_import_energy
- binary_sensor.front_door_button_pressed
- binary_sensor.front_door_call_no_answered
As an example, I’m still seeing frequency which should not be showing, among a bunch of others.
Does anyone have any advice or is there some error in the config perhaps.
** EDIT ** The only thing that occurred to me just now might be the multiple wildcards, I’ll need to test this when I get home.
Cheers, Paul