Help configuring YAML file for Emporia Vue Gen 3

I’m relatively new to ESPHome and am installing an Emporia Vue Gen3 power monitor that I’m flashing with ESPHome to operate locally. I’m struggling to correctly edit the YAML file for this device.

(I’ve been following a combination of these and these instructions.)

I have several questions:

  1. Where can I find a good general reference to learn how to appropriately read the YAML files contained in these 2 sets of instructions… and figure out which to use when they disagree? I understand a bit of the YAML syntax but less about how to write ESPHome configuration files. For example…
  2. …the two different sets of instructions have YAML files that use different values for the i2c / sda and i2c / scl value. Which is right?
  3. I have flashed the device with firmware built by ESPHome, but I do not see any entities under my device in Home Assistant? What do I need to change to fix this?
  4. Ideally I would end up in home assistant with entities like “Oven Power” not just “Circuit 4 Power”. And since the Emporia Vue measures only 16 circuits and my panel has more, I will want to skip some circuits in order to monitor the most important ones. I’m trying to figure out which parts of which lines of the YAML files contained in the linked instructions to edit to accomplish this but I can’t tell which references are to ports on the Vue and which references become entity names. For example consider the lines:
  - { phase_id: phase_b, input: "10", power: { id: cir10, filters: [ *pos ] } }


  - { platform: copy, name: "Circuit 10 Power", source_id: cir10, filters: *throttle_avg }

If input number 10 on my Vue is connected to the breaker in spots 14 and 16 (it’s a 240V breaker), which 10’s in these lines should be changed to “14-16” and which should remain 10?

Thanks in advance for any advice!


  2. Whichever one works, although you are comparing a gen 2 and a gen 3.
  3. You need to add it as an integration
  4. Not sure

Thanks. Could you say more about #3 please?

I have ESPHome listed as an integration and have several other ESPHome devices, each with a number of entities.

But in the ESPHome integration window in Home Assistant, my Vue is listed and below it it says “No devices or entities”…