HELP - Custom Linky Array Sensor for history and mini-graph-card

i’m a new to home assistant (2 months)…
I would like to use a custom array sensor in a graph card on lovelace…
I have a linky sensor.
This sensor have severals attributes.
I have create a sensor which get a array attributes of linky sensor :

  friendly_name: "Linky jours"
  unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
    - sensor.linky
  value_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.linky', 'daily')}}" 

When i click on this sensor, i get no history but, when i click on the original sensor.linky, i get a history
When i use a history card i get no line with my custom sensor.linky_daily (because no history ?), but with sensor.linky, i get a line (because it has history ?).

Card mini-graph-card have same comportment…

Question 1 : Maybe my sensor is not properly initialized or declared ?
Question 2 : Does anyone know a card that uses a array entity ?

I apologize in advance if I’m not in the right place to ask my question.:flushed:
And thank you all for the great work that.:star_struck:

Your daily sensor doesn’t resolve to a single value. You can’t graph a state like


I will write in the custom linky script 30 new sensor…