Help diagnosing issues with NodeRed

HassOS 4.8
Version 0.110.4

I’ve been trying to get rid of a recurring error that I’ve had for nearly six months now regarding the NodeRed integration. Whenever I restart HA, I receiving the following error in the logs:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 9:49:27 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:49:27 PM
Setup failed for nodered: Integration not found.

The odd thing is that my NodeRED integration works just fine and I’m having no issues running the program. This is more of an annoyance than anything that I’m trying to clear up.

Is there a way to start tracking this down to eliminate this error message from turning up?

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Hi Levi, I’m also having the same issue. Did you manage to solve it?

I ended up removing the integration from both the config and the integrations menu and then reinstalling. That seemed to clear it out for me.

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I moved from a Mac HA install to Raspberry Pi and when I was cleaning up the older Mac integration cruft (./custom_components/nodered), I started getting the error “Setup failed for nodered: Integration not found.” My Node-Red install worked perfectly as installed freshly to the Raspberry Pi.

The solution was to shutdown ha core, delete the database file and delete the nodered entry from /root/config/.storage/core.config_entries. Make a backup of the file!


                "entry_id": "b3f0e835fa4e04665d52d4ecebc877b4",
                "version": 1,
                "domain": "nodered",
                "title": "Node-RED",

More info here Deleting Devices and Entities in Home Assistant