Help diagnosing why automation isn't triggering

I have an automation setup to fire based on the state of my “family” group changing to Away. If I delete and recreate the automation, it seems to work once but doesn’t trigger again after that point.

I’ve confirmed that the entity is successfully reporting away:

YAML for the automation is below:

- id: '1641105629441'
  alias: 'Vacuum: start when away'
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    to: Away
  condition: []
  - device_id: c5b7e1cd14e602974d3967ea5eb95b2d
    domain: vacuum
    entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7
    type: clean
  - service: notify.mobile_app_jons_iphone
      message: Vacuum triggered
      title: Vacuum triggered
  mode: single
  max: 10

I previously had conditions to only trigger the automation during certain hours but removed that hoping to solve the issue.

Thanks for your suggestions.

„Away“ should probably be „not_home“

check out the developer tools states page, you’ll notice that the actual state when away is not Away. You should be using the states page at all times to validate the state you want for state triggers. Everything you see in the UI is translated to your native language. The states under the hood that the automation engine uses does not use these translated states.

    to: not_home

Well now I feel like a noob. Thanks for the help!