Help disc used 90% on how to delete data

Hey guys i need help to delete data on my sensor disc_used_home is at 90%
there is a service called recorder.purge on developer tool section but i dont know what goes on the part where it says data j.son hope someone can help thanks for taking time to read my post and for any help

Just insert the days you want to keep.

    "keep_days": "1"

There’s a problem with recorder purge at the moment that will be fixed in the next release.
Not sure if it affects sqlite too.

thanks for the replay but it did not work i still on 0.60.1 i have not update because i saw that the broadlink component was not working and i use a lot this component
is there any other way to do purge the data base like using ssh thanks again

If you can live with loosing all data, you can simply delete the ‘home-assistant_v2.db’.

if i delete home-assistant_v2.db will i be able to record data in the future i dont mind to loose all data now but still want to be able to record new data or maybe just wait for the new release

Just stop HA and delete the db. HA creates a new database on start.
After this you have to check input components, automations and so on, cause HA cannot restore the last states with a new database.

thank you that worked