Help finding source of warning in log

every time i restart HA, i get this message in the logs:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.service
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 1:25:28 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:25:28 PM

Unable to find referenced entities light.hallway_lights or it is/they are currently not available

From that message, i assume that it is a helper that is having the issue. i looked through all my helpers and the only one that has that entity is a group of lights. All lights in that group are zwave and none of them report the same issue. is there anywhere else i should look?

You could have a look at the HACS integration called Watchman. It’s great for tracking down references to things which don’t exist.

The problem could be something else though.

thanks, i will try that, but the entity actually exists, which is why i am confused as to the error.