I have ZHA via a ZBT-1 controlling my internal Clipsal/SE Wiser Zigbee devices. All light switches, motion detectors etc. work fine, but I’m seeing strange inconsistencies with the operation of blinds controllers.
The same Wiser switches are used throughout, yet they behave differently on different blinds. On all of them I used the Wiser app to set the blind type and open/close duration adopting on ZHA.
The ones working properly allow me to open close and set position as expected. Others seem to consistently reverse direction and/or not behave as expected on open/close timing, which means my automations fail to run correctly.
In diagnostic data I’ve noticed that the switches operating correctly identify as “Schneider Electric” with a blank model. The ones not behaving are “Schneider Electric PUCK/SHUTTER/1”.
I’ve also noticed some differences in attributes and unsupported_attributes which might explain what is going on.
The question is whether there is anyway to update the settings of the working ones to match the non-working ones so I can see if that solves the problem.
The diagnostics (removed the setup details to reduce size) for two units are here. “study_external_shutter” works correctly, “scarlett_external_shutter” does not.