Help Flashing Tasmota

Any help?

Just tried flashing a tuya gu10 for the first time using tuya convert OTA & tasmota using this tutorial:

I thought all was going well, devices are showing up on the network. Headed to the ip have set up the config according to templates on blackadder for this particular bulb… but get nothing when trying to control them, no response from the bulb at all.

Am I missing somthing obvious here?

Im using the MQTT integration and have no problems.

Just need to remember SetOption19 1 on the console to make it discoverable

Sorry i should stated the issue isn’t controlling with home assistant, its that I don’t have control over the bulb in the tasmota control panel at all. i can change settings in the console ,update firmware change config ect… but I have no control over the bulb its constantly off


There is note at the bottom of the Blakadder template showing a different template for devices after April 2020. Perhaps try that.


Yup i did try the alternate template which results in lose of controls in the main menu

Which to me suggests I’m using the correct template but still have no control

That’s not how tasmota works with regards to the controls. You can set whatever switches or sensors you like, if you have no functionality, you have no control. So setting pwm will define the pwm color bars etc, you can set those with a blank device and get the same color wheels.

Is it actually a lohas bulb you have? I don’t think you mentioned that in the first post. What brand and model is the bulb?

It is a lohas bulb im using yup

Exact modle is: LH-ZN01102U10-2

So been using the the LH-ZN011 template