Help for developing platform and custom component

Hi everybody,

I’m new on HA and I look for help to develop a custom component.
I created a board to control lamps and mensure current, so I would like create a platform to it.

Just for test, I created a sensor using 1 port of my board, as you can see below.

sensor X120_port1:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Refrigerator”
    state_topic: “iotech/123456/1/state”
    unit_of_measurement: ‘A’
    value_template: “{{ value_json.current }}”

What I need is create a platform and component to embedded all this information easily, to use like this:


  • platform: x120

iotech = name of my company
x120 = name of my board. I have others: F120 and E160

Who can help to develop this environment?

As I have a lot of work to do and would like to find someone as freelancer

Thanks in advanced for any help!


Jose Lima

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I have a smart plug with iotech label on it (seems to connect via ESP to my network judging by the DHCP client name)

is your custom component supposed to assist with managing it via home-assistant?
have you made any progress on that front ?