Help for humidifer setup


I have an old humifier and a smart plug that I put together to manager humidity in the child’s room.

This is the config at the moment.

  - alias: Camera di Adele - Accendi Umidificatore
    id: 'Accendi_Umidificatore'
    initial_state: true
      - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta") | float < 49.1}}'
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "00"
        minutes: "10"
        seconds: "00"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.operazioneadele
        state: 'on'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.season") != "Summer" }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta") | float < 49.1}}'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3
        state: 'off'
      - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3

  - alias: Camera di Adele - Spegni Umidificatore
    id: 'spegni_Umidificatore'
    initial_state: true
      - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta") | float > 51.1}}'
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "00"
        minutes: "10"
        seconds: "00"
      # - condition: state
      #   entity_id: input_boolean.operazioneadele
      #   state: 'off'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.season") != "Summer" }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta") | float > 51.1}}'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3
        state: 'on'
      - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3

The issue is that it doesn’t work as expected ( keep humidiy at a particular percentage only when my daughter is sleeping.

Can someone please point me to the right direction?

Thank you in advance!

What’s not working? we need more details.

Sorry. The issue is that humidifier starts when the input boolean is on but the it’s not triggered when humidity change to the new level

Does the plug that you are controlling turn the humidifier on to lower the humidity?

If so then I think you have your comparisons backwards.

right now the humidifier will only turn on if the humidity was above 49.1 and then subsequently goes below that value (while all of the other conditions are also met as well).

Is that the way you want it to work? Seems backwards to me

No. In my mind plug should switch on only inf humidity is lower than trigger value.

Why you say above when I use this code?

  • platform: template

value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta") | float < 49.1}}'

I think the issue is here in the way the template is written. If I test it on dev it’s true while the humidity at the moment is 55.6 so it should be false!

EDIT: don’t know how or when but sensor was changed to sensor.cameretta_2 (maybe a deconz issue?) changed to the correct sensor. Let’s see if now it works.

D’oh! :man_facepalming:

For some reason I thought you were working with a DE-humidifier… :roll_eyes:

hopefully it works for you now.

No it doesn’t work.

What it makes me nuts it’s that this code:

  - alias: Camera di Adele - Accendi Umidificatore
    id: 'Accendi_Umidificatore'
    initial_state: true
      - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta_humidity") | float < 49.1}}'
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "00"
        minutes: "01"
        seconds: "00"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.operazioneadele
        state: 'on'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.season") != "Summer" }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta_humidity") | float < 49.1}}'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3
        state: 'off'
      - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3

  - alias: Camera di Adele - Spegni Umidificatore
    id: 'spegni_Umidificatore'
    initial_state: true
      - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta_humidity") | float > 51.1}}'
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "00"
        minutes: "01"
        seconds: "00"
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.season") != "Summer" }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.cameretta_humidity") | float > 51.1}}'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3
        state: 'on'
      - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3

looks good on template:

- alias: Camera di Adele - Accendi Umidificatore
    id: 'Accendi_Umidificatore'
    initial_state: true
      - platform: template
        value_template: 'False'
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "00"
        minutes: "01"
        seconds: "00"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.operazioneadele
        state: 'on'
      - condition: template
        value_template: 'True'
      - condition: template
        value_template: 'False'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3
        state: 'off'
      - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3

  - alias: Camera di Adele - Spegni Umidificatore
    id: 'spegni_Umidificatore'
    initial_state: true
      - platform: template
        value_template: 'True'
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "00"
        minutes: "01"
        seconds: "00"
      - condition: template
        value_template: 'True'
      - condition: template
        value_template: 'True'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3
        state: 'on'
      - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.presa_tpl3

WHY the second automation is not triggered and the switch stays on?

EDIT: The issue was in the trigger.

It should be something like minutes: “/05” to trigger every five minutes!