Help for temperature change triggers that don't work

Hello all,
I can’t create a trigger that works when a temperature changes. I have a sensor template

  friendly_name: Valvola Current Temp
  unit_of_measurement: '°C'
  value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.valvola', 'current_temperature') }}"

that I am going to test inside an automation trigger for the variation case, but apparently I am doing something wrong. I tried both to do it this way

alias: Test 1 Trigger temperature
description: ''
mode: single
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.valvola_current_temp
    below: '20'
condition: []

and that way

alias: Test 2 Trigger temperature
description: ''
mode: single

  platform: device
  domain: climate
  entity_id: climate.valvola
  type: current_temperature_changed
  below: 20

condition: []

but neither of them work. Where am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

You will probably have to explain what you mean by “it doesnt work”.

Also maybe check the state value for valvola_current_temp

They will only work if the temperature goes from above 20 to below 20. If the temperature is already below 20 and changes to another state below 20, it will not trigger.

Thanks for the replies. I wanted to create a trigger that was activated at every temperature change, but as far as the part was concerned, these were not the solutions. Here is the solution, a trigger that is activated at each temperature change:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.valvola_current_temp

Thanks to all anyway.