Help for UI Lovelace Minimalist installation & configuration

Hello Community,

I try to install & configure UI Lovelace Minimalist but I’m totally blocked after Installation step :frowning:
The process created a dedicated Lovelace dashboard but everything are on error

What I’ve done incorrectly ?

install these from hacs

Thanks for your answer @potat0. But I have a big doubt, do I have to install all this list in FrontEnd of HACS ? Because I didn’t find it in Integration tab ??

I success some settings and correct all errors by installing all FrontEnd prerequisites (thanks to @potat0).

Now, I’m facing more error after creating a new Dashboard based on that information : Battery Card - UI Lovelace Minimalist

I put in this new Dashboard this line :

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: card_battery
  entity: sensor.battery_level
       ulm_card_battery_charger_type_entity_id: sensor.battery_level
       ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger: 30
       ulm_card_battery_battery_level_warning: 80
  name: Smartphone

But I have this :

I addded in folder /config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards/
un new folder custom_card_battery and created a file fichier custom_card_battery.yaml (here is the complet name : /config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards/custom_card_battery/custom_card_battery.yaml)

But I still have the error : What I’m doing wrong ?