I have been on here lurking for a few months now as I have been preparing to do an install. I finally came across some equipment to get this up and running and am having difficulty even getting the initial install to work. I am using an intel NUC and am trying to just install the HASS.IO image from an SD card (not messing with a linux distro or docker at the moment).
When the NUC starts up, after a few seconds, I get a screen where I can choose from: 1. Autoboot
2. Boot System 0
3. Boot system 1
4. Shell
Autoboot does nothing, as well as Boot System 1. If I select Boot System 0 I get a screen where it appears that a linux distro is beginning to load… but then it just hangs and doesn’t move.
Why are you trying to install from an SD card? Guessing that the NUC has an SSD in it? Plug that into a PC and use Etcher (or similar) to ‘burn’ the HassIO image to the SSD. Then plug the SSD back into the NUC and boot it up
you have to wait… maybe 20+ mins
Then try connecting to http://ip-address:8123
(on another computer - you won’t see anything useful on a plugged in monitor)
It’s been sitting for about 35 minutes now and still nothing. The one strange thing I am noticing is when the NUC first turns on, there are active activity lights on the NIC port. However, as soon as the image begins to load, those lights turn off on both the NUC NIC and on the actual switch itself. It’s like the image is killing the ethernet card.
It is. But LAN activity lights on the Ethernet port are only visible when the NUC first turns on and is booting. Once the HASS image begins to load, there are no activity lights on the NUC or the switch.