Help getting OID for SNMP sensor



I am new to SNMP, but want to monitor some stuff in my Home-Assistant witch supports SNMP.

I found a OID what worked randomly with a google search for pfSense OID’s. So I have that gives me CPU load.

But I want to more information, so I found out what I needed was a “MIB browser”.

I found this: ManageEngine MibBrowser (

So I found my WAN IP and want to get the OID for that, but I can’t find the IOD for that specific value. Can anyone tell me how to?

What are you looking for? Doesn’t your bottom arrow point to the OID?

No, how I se that it is the OID address for all the IP-addresses in IpAdEntAddr.
What I think I need is . where I don’t know the XXXX

Here is another example:

ifEntry OID is
ifIndex OID is
ifDescr is
ifType is
and so on.

But what if i want the “ifOprStatus” for switchport 7 (aka GigabitEthernet0/7)?

Found IT :smiley:

Did you ever get the sensors right for pfsense?