Still nothing showing up in the UI or logs, or developer settings as issues.
I had read something about json_attributes, and that looked hopeful, but then read it’s been deprecated? I keep running over the same topics, but haven’t found anything yet.
Post an actual example of a payload published to home/wink/7/status because what you posted appears to be the schema for the payload’s JSON structure (not an actual JSON payload).
Searching around, I can’t find anyone that has gotten the temp sensor working via MQTT for this device. I’m a persistent fellow, so I’ll keep banging away at it for a while, but if anyone has a clue to throw at me, it would be welcome.
Based on the information in the auto-discovered motion detector, the value you entered for the temperature sensor’s json_attributes_topic isn’t correct.
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'multisensor_01_temperature' when rendering '{{ value_json.multisensor_01_temperature }}'
I have tried a few combinations of state_topic and json_attributes_topic with no luck. Am I missing something obvious? Is there a recognized way to define the topics / templates? Looking about there seems to be a dizzying array of configs that don’t seem to provide any clue how to set mine.