Help! Home assistant server went out and then won’t start

I was trying to add Zigbee2mqtt to my home assistant. I installed the add on then plugged the Sonoff Zigbee dongle. It refused to start (What I mean is I could not connect to home assistant). I unplugged it and tried to start a number of times with no luck. I connected it to my TV to see what’s going on and here’s what it’s showing in the attached pics.
Can anyone suggest what to do?
I am running a Raspberry Pi4 with home assistant OS installed on a Kingston SSD.

PS…I am very new to HA

Looks to me like file system corruption. See if you can clone the SSD into another.

Alright. I’ll get another SSD, flash HA OS and see what happens

I couldn’t find another SATA SSD lying around and don’t want to buy one until I am sure I need to get it. I got an SD card and flashed HA OS on it. I also flashed the boot from SD bootloader on another and inserted it. I got the green screen which I guess showed success, but now it won’t boot from the SD that has the HA OS. I have been waiting for ever. Nothing showing up on my TV. Am I missing a step here?

Maybe the SD was not flashed as booteable. Did you clone the SSD or flashed HA OS from scratch?

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I flashed HA OS from scratch.
So i went back to my SSD, formatted it and reinstalled HA OS. Before starting it I faffed around with the connections in the case. It’s booted up and I could connect and started configuring it. I was going to set up everything again from scratch (I didn’t have a lot of configurations initially though). i try to add a zigbee dongle, this time around the home assistant sky connect with a powered USB extension and everything goes burst again.
I’ve reconnected it to the tv, without the additional USB device and after it’s booted up to HA (1st picture) it goes all crazy (2nd picture).
I’m stomped.

It’s weird that it goes bonkers when you try to add the dongle.

If you connect the SkyConnect without rebooting (seems like you don’t have to) does HA discover it?

I did switch it off to add the dongle. It has not come on yet so can’t check adding the dongle without restarting. I read somewhere that the power supply may contribute to all the error message. I will change to a 3.5A power supply and see if it helps. I am using a NESPi 4 case and I wonder if the official 3A may not be enough to power the Pi and the SSD.

That’d make sense because lack of power for the SSD may manifest as file system access errors. But then I’d expect it to work fine off an SD card.

So I got the 3.5A Argon One Power Supply and everything works now. HA does not go crazy anymore when I plug the USB dongle and I have got Zigbee2Mqtt up and running. If you are using an SSD I will advise to go for more power straightaway, especially if you use a case where the SSD is connected directly to the Pi without an external power source.