Help - how can I accomplish the following? What hardware/software I need?

Hello everyone,

I have been running HA on PI4 2GB for couple of months with RT-SDR 433Mhz and Zigbee Sonoff USB sticks and sonoff/sengled/tuya/aqara/433mhz switches/sensors. So far, I managed to make it work.

Now I need to setup another HA with a similar number of sensors with the addition of 2-3 HD/4K PoE surveillance cameras and the ability:

  • See livestreams from cameras on HA dashboard, no need to record livestream locally
  • Ability to detect objects and faces from the lifestream
  • Ability to record the stream upon detection of motion/object/face/person - recording should stop once object/motion is not there anymore
  • Get notified from HA regarding motion/object/person detection and have the ability to stream/download these files.

I currently have:

  • An unused Nvidia Jetson Nano A01 - with 4GB of RAM and 128 cuda cores.
  • Sandisk 256GB USB3 SSD
  • Samsung 64GB Class2 high-performance SD-card

I don’t yet have PoE cameras and the second set of Zigbee/433Mhz sticks and sensors.

What I want to understand - how can I accomplish what I wrote i above?

Can all the above be accomplished by a single device both for running HA and doing GPU-accelerated video stream processing with low latency? If yes, can this be accomplished by my existing Jetson Nano? If yes - how and in which order?

If not, why? If Jetson Nano can’t be used as a ‘single device rule them on’ can at least I use it for video stream-related tasks? If yes, how do I integrate that part with HA which I probably need another device to run on?

I am sure someone tried to have a similar setup - if you have been successful, could you please write your experience of how you did it?

Thank you