Help: How to change the frequency of entity status updates

This is a test. It can also be replaced with my other devices. Improve the status update. I want to know what the code is like

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I didnā€™t understand a lot when I just played this, or if you can, tell me where to read the platform. I donā€™t know what this means

Please donā€™t keep starting duplicate threads to ask the same question.

How did you add the light to home assistant? If you added it through the UI, you cannot add scan_interval to the configuration.

Honestly if you want lights that react more quickly, get bulbs that donā€™t rely on polling.


The problem is not the light, but the scanning interval. Itā€™s OK to start it manually. There is a serious delay in automationāˆš

Yeah well, local polling, thatā€™s what you get.

Can you teach me how to increase the scan interval? I want to make automation faster

In configuration.yaml.

Iā€™ve just started to contact Hass. Can I be more specific and how to configure it

Itā€™s explained in my previous post that includes a link to the custom integrationā€™s documentation.

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Listen, you canā€™t just set scan interval on any entity. It depends on how you added the light to ha. So you have to answer the question; how did you add this to HA. If 123 is correct in assuming youā€™re using the custom integration, you need to follow the directions he linked.

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