Help - How to populate multiple attachments entries in service call

Hi all,

I’m trying to do something like this in a yaml service call (short snip with only 2 lines):

service: notify.signal_jprates
  message: 'test message'
    attachments: >
      {%- if
      'on') -%}
        - file_path/sensor1.jpg
      {% endif %}
      {%- if
      'on') -%}
        - file_path/sensor2.jpg
      {% endif %}

If I check the result from this template on developers tools I get the result I want:

So I thought the above yaml would be equivalent to this:

service: notify.signal_jprates
  message: 'test message'
      - file_path/sensor1.jpg
      - file_path/sensor2.jpg

However this unfortunately does not work as I expected, it seams to treat the template as if it was a single line string, not a multi-line one.

The underlying problem that I’m trying to solve here is that I have multiple sensors of which only a few (of course up to all of them) are normally open, basically windows and doors with outside access, and I’m trying to send a signal message with only the pictures from the opened ones, the closed ones are of no interest.

The only thing I know is that at least 1 of them is open, that’s the condition to trigger the automation, but I can’t guess how many of them, and it would be crazy to create over a dozen service calls to send a separate message for each opened door/window.

How can I dynamically construct the list of pictures for the “attachments:” section?
Any ideas appreciated.


Your Jinja2 template produces a list in YAML format but you can’t use a template to produce output that is intended to be interpreted as YAML.

The reason is due to the order of processing:

  1. YAML
  2. Jinja2

YAML first, Jinja2 second. By the time your template generates a YAML list, the YAML processing has already finished. So your YAML list is no longer interpreted as a list but as a string.

What you want is for your Jinja2 template to produce a list (not YAML code that is meant to be interpreted by the YAML processor as a list).

Try this in the Template Editor first to ensure it produces a proper list:

service: notify.signal_jprates
  message: 'test message'
    attachments: >
      {% set ns = namespace(sensors = []) %}
      {% for s in expand('binary_sensor.sensor1_access_control_window_door_is_open',
         | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on')
         | map(attribute='object_id') | list %}
         {% set ns.sensors = ns.sensors + [ 'file_path/{}.jpg'.format(s.split('_')[0]) ] %}
      {% endfor %}
      {{ ns.sensors }}

Notice how the Template Editor indicates the result of the template is a list:

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It works like a charm @123 , thank you so much!!!

I had to edit the file name part because unfortunately my sensors and my file names don’t obey that split format so cleanelly, but alas, i solved it with some “ifs”.

I will need to study what you said and learn your code, it’s far too advanced for me at this stage, so I really have to thank you twice for also improving my yaml knowledge.

Take care,

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You’re welcome!

Please consider marking my post above with the Solution tag. It will automatically place a check-mark next to the topic’s title which signals to other users that this topic has been resolved. It helps users find answers to similar questions.

Here’s a brief tutorial explaining the template’s operation.

Whatever variables you modify inside a for-loop don’t retain their value outside the for-loop. To get around this limitation, the first line uses namespace to create a variable that is able to retain its value outside the for-loop. The variable is initialized as an empty list.

{% set ns = namespace(sensors = []) %}

We want to start with a collection containing the two binary_sensors and then pare it down to contain just the ones whose state is on.

expand('binary_sensor.sensor1_access_control_window_door_is_open', 'binary_sensor.sensor2_access_control_window_door_is_open')
  | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on')

There’s a lot of information in that collection but we only want the object_id and we want it in a list format. The object_id is the name portion of an entity_id. For example, the object_id of is kitchen. To do all of that we use this:

map(attribute='object_id') | list

What we really want to do is do something to each one of the items within the collection. So that’s what all of this is doing using a for-loop:

{% for s in expand('binary_sensor.sensor1_access_control_window_door_is_open',
   | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on')
   | map(attribute='object_id') | list %}

   ... do something to each one of the items within the collection ...

{% endfor %}

So what do we want to do to each item within that collection? We want to add it to the sensors list. That’s what this does, it adds a new item to the sensors list:

{% set ns.sensors = ns.sensors + [ ... something goes here ... ] %}

So what is this new item we want to add? It must look something like this:


To produce that string neatly, we use python’s format method.


If the value of the variable blabla is “red_hat” then the result of format will be:


In our example, the variable’s name is s and we only want the first part of its value that ends with an underscore. For example, we want sensor1 from sensor1_access_control_window_door_is_open. To do that, we use python’s split method to convert the string value into a list by splitting it at each underscore.


However, we only want the first item in the resulting list so we do this (because the index of the first list item is zero).


Putting all of this together produces this line:

{% set ns.sensors = ns.sensors + [ 'file_path/{}.jpg'.format(s.split('_')[0]) ] %}

The very last line is the simplest, it displays the list that has been created within the for-loop:

{{ ns.sensors }}