Help in creating ZHA custom quirks folder

Hi guys, I am totally new to Home assistant. I just installed HA in a Raspberry Pi 4 and manage to add some equipment through the SonOFF Zigbee bridge. Unfortunately one of the light switch is not working as it should and I went through the forum and found that there is a quirks file for the switch.
My problem is I still not sure how to create the custom zha quirks folder , I have tried in the configuration yaml as suggested in some of the forum but I am still unable to create it.
Could someone assist in guiding me on this issue?

Thank you

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Draco helped get mine situated. If I remember correctly, we had to structure the file slightly different than what’s normal to get it to work. This is how we structured it and pointed at it:

2022-10-07 00_28_33-Greenshot

And add the corresponding config yaml to point at it correctly:

  enable_quirks: true
  custom_quirks_path: /config/custom_zha_quirks/
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