Hi All,
I hope this is the correct place to post this; if not, I’m sorry and I ask the mod to move this post to the correct place.
I looked for a very long time for a way to track my home consumption in Home Assistant, unfortunately I am renting and thus I cannot install a reader like a Shelly or similar and neither I can attach a reader to the meter outside my apartment.
I have discovered that the distributor in my area (e-Distribuzione) does have a website on which you can see the energy consumption day by day independently by your end provider and download a CSV file composed of all consumption divided by day and in blocks of 15 minutes (like from 00:00 to 00:15, 00:15 to 00:30 and so on)
I have easily developed a simple script that goes trough the file and get the data for each minute and I would love to integrate that into Home Assistant but after reading the documentation I’m sure that is way above my code knowledge and I need help.
Here an example of how I have structured the output data but it can be easily changed if needed:
This solution is not perfect as you need to manually provide the file when you want to update the data on Home Assistant as well as only being able to see the data on the website 24 hours later; but I believe that for many people based in Italy like me this is as good as we can get without buying some dedicated hardware, as I have failed to find any provider that allowed any kind of API or integration.
Hope someone could help me understand how to move from a simple script to something that can actually be integrated.
Thanks a lot,