Help in setting 'Fibaro Window Shutter 2' as cover with MQTT

Hi good people,
I’m trying to set the fibaro window shutter 2 as cover, but I can’t seem to make it work…
I use smartthings hub to connect to the window shutter and smartthings is sanding to mqtt.
I managed to configure the lights OK, but I can’t get the window shutter to work… :confused:

I can see the device is publish correctly in mosquito-mqtt

smartthings/Living Room Light/level 98

When I try to control it throw homeAssistant, I get this:

smartthings/Window Shutter/level OPEN
smartthings/Window Shutter/level CLOSE
smartthings/Window Shutter/level STOP

But the window shutter doesn’t move. :confounded:
I realize it got something to do with the fact that home assistant is sending words (UP/DOWN/STOP) instead of level values, but I do not know where to start…

here is my settings:

  brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/Window Shutter/level"
  brightness_scale: 100
  brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Window Shutter/level"
  command_topic: "smartthings/Window Shutter/level"
  name: "Window Shutter"
  payload_off: "off"
  payload_on: "on"
  platform: mqtt
  retain: true
  state_topic: "smartthings/Window Shutter/level"

Please help my understand what I’m missing…

Gil. :slight_smile: