Help installing Frigate


I am rather confused about how to install Frigate…

To start with I installed:
Frigate card

I then realised I needed to install the Frigate integration…

So installed:
Mosquitto broker
Frigate integration

When I try to add the Frigate integration it says: “Failed to connect” to URL: http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000

Some browsing suggested that I needed to install the Frigate add-on. When I tried to do this it said the port was in use. After more browsing I discovered I do not need go2rtc as there is an internal version within the add-on that was causing the port conflict. So uninstalled go2rtc

Now when I try to start the Frigate add-on, I click on Start, the progress indicator spins for a while and then it comes back to the same screen with Start still displayed (in other words, does not display Stop as expected)

My frigate.yaml file just has streams and cameras sections - do I need anything else in there?

Is this the best end-to-end guide for adding Frigate to Home Assistant from scratch: Installation | Frigate


I think go2rtc grabs the port, try stopping that.

As I mentioned below, I uninstalled it but didn’t enable addon to start

Uninstalled all components and reinstalled. Then worked…

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