Help installing please

I’m trying to install on a Raspberry Pi 3B v1.2. I’ve ried the Rpi 32 bit (hassos_rpi3-4.11.img) and the 64bit (hassos_rpi3-64-4.11.img) images from the HA website. These were flashed with the recommended program (balenEtcher-1.5.102-x64.AppImage).
First error - the file HASSOS-BOOT directory doesn’t appear. Kernel, Data, Overlay, and System0 do.
If I try to create a CONFIG directory in the System0 folder I get a cannot write to a read only disk. This is the same with the other folders as well. I’ve tried as Root as well.
OK, so I don’t have wireless, I’ll connected to a wired network. Tried both homeassistant.local:8123 and the IP with no luck.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance the group can provide.

It takes a bit to boot, by the time I’ve posted this if you left it on then it might have booted. You can connect the HDMI to a monitor for log stuff.

I found another web page for installation that worked much better. I have the system installed now and am able to access it via my desktop computer. Thank you for the reply. It definitely takes awhile to boot.