Help integrating Solar generated energy in Energy panel


So yesterday I had installed a few solar panels, a battery and an inverter. The inverter is connected and Home assistant is able to detect it, however I can’t add some sensors to the Energy panel.
For instance, for the real time generated energy, the sensor that should show up is named ‘sensor.pv_power’, but this only shows is ‘sensor.total_pv_generation’ and that is the sensor for the total generated not the live one.

I read this topic:

And @tom_l said that the problem was the sensor being with state_class total instead of total_increasing, so I searched for it and this were the original values:

state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
icon: mdi:solar-power

So I edited the configuration.yaml and added:

    state_class: total_increasing

and sure, now the sensor shows as total_increasing, but it still can’t be selected in the energy panel.

I’ve tried changing the device_class: energy instead of power I’ve tried changing unit_of_measurement: kWh instead of W, but nothing works. It just doesn’t show.

Can someone please point me in the right direction to add this. I’ve searched lots of posts and tried lots of things but nothing seems to work.

Why can’t there just be a way to add the entity I want? Is there a way to customize the energy tab to let me add whichever sensors I want to each pre-set tile?

Thx in advance

You are confusing energy and power.

That is a power sensor.

The energy dashboard uses energy sensors. Not power sensors.

Undo all of that. It is incorrect.

sensor.total_pv_generation is the sensor to use with the energy dashboard.

Thank you for the reply.
The problem is sensor.total_pv_generation and sensor.today_s_pv_generation don’t show instant values show the total generated and the total for the day.
I was under the impression that the energy distribution card would show the values in real time.

Plus I don´t have a way to insert the energy I took and injected to the grid, but within the sensors I have that information.
In fact I created a secondary testing energy dashboard and I can see in real time - how much I generate, how much is being stored in the battery, how much is going to the grid, etc.

No, that is incorrect.

You can create energy sensors from these power sensors using the Riemann Sum helper. Use method: left.

Thanks. I’ll try and play with Riemann Sum.