I’m at a loss here. My battery for my z-wave Schlage door lock BE469ZP lock keeps dying in a week or two. Previously I’ve had it running without a battery change for 6 months. I can’t figure out why the battery is dying so quickly. I’m using the Z-Wave JS and KeyMaster from HACS.
I had something similar happen to my zwave door lock with 4 AA’s in it. I was using the expensive $1.50 a piece Lithium batteries and it did this to me. Turned out to be corroded battery connectors that read as highly resistive. cleaned up the terminals, and it was normal again.
…Or if the door jamb is misaligned (shifts happen in winter) and it takes any effort the motor goes I to high power mode to close the bolt and eats an order of magnitude more to close it.
…Also I’ve seen this if you lose a nearby repeater and it suddenly is being chatter or having to work harder on the network.