[help] Lovelace: layout-card custom

I am currently having problems
Configure my settings

title: test
icon: 'mdi:script'
panel: true
path: mirror
  - type: 'custom:layout-card'
    layout: horizontal
    column_num: 3
    ltr: false
    rebuild: false
      - type: custom:clock-card
        entity: sensor.time

      # thoi tiet
      - type: custom:weather-card
        entity: weather.home_tnt
        icons: "/local/icons/"

its is show

But I would like to show it as shown below

I took a long time but still could not do it. Is there anyone to help me. Thank you very much
Sorry for the tag: @thomasloven

Have you tried it with the break?

      - type: custom:clock-card
        entity: sensor.time

      - break
      - break # not sure if you need a second one in horizontal layout

      # thoi tiet
      - type: custom:weather-card
        entity: weather.home_tnt
        icons: "/local/icons/"

Or you can try the gap-card to insert a dummy card.

The gap card is a godsend. I only discovered it recently but it has enabled the layouts I want.

thanks you very much !!
The gap-card has solved the problem

That’s exactly what it’s for. Should probably have been bundled with layout-card…

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Doesn’t the layout card require panel mode though?